'Glee Star' Lea Michele Upsets Parents Again With Racy Cosmo Cover

'Glee Star' Lea Michele Upsets Parents Again With Racy Cosmo Cover

Their children may idolize Lea Michele and love "Glee," but parents are once again up in arms over one of her photo spreads.

Just months after releasing a racy GQ spread, the "Glee" star is set to release another suggestive photo shoot in the March issue of Cosmopolitan, and parents are none too happy.

“I think Lea Michele is sending the wrong message.  She plays such a ‘good girl’ on ‘Glee’ and a lot of kids look up to her persona," said Kim Trefcer, a concerned mother from New York, to Fox 411.

According to Trefner, her 13-year-old son was confused and offended when he saw the pictures of ‘Glee’ star posing provocatively on two magazine covers.

Trefner added, “I find it frustrating as a parent who is trying to teach right from wrong to their kids, and then you have things like this happen - which is showing middle schoolers things like 'sex sells' and all that goes along with that.”

Many parents believe that the actors in the show have a social responsibility to their fans, and that they should act as role models. Suzette Valle of Mammarazzi Knows Best told Fox 411 that MIchele's cover shot is irresponsible.

She further said, “I think Cosmo is now taking advantage of the raucous GQ caused with their 'Glee' cover and hoping to cash in on the press that got.”

Meanwhile, pop culture expert and "Cult of Celebrity" author Cooper Lawrence said that Lea Michele’s idea of positioning herself as a grown-up with an adult sex appeal is a smart decision. However, Lawrence argued that Michele is ruining her current popularity on ‘Glee’ because of her sexually oriented photographs.

Lawrence pointed out, “You can be sexy without looking ridiculous, and she just looks ridiculous. It's not genuine. Lea Michele may be an adult, but to pretend that she doesn’t know her fans are 11 is just ignorance. Why take the risk that even one teenager will get the wrong message of from their idol? Now she is just turning off the parents of these kids who are her future consumers.”

On the other hand, Cosmo is un-affected by all the negative reactions from concern parents on Lea Michele’s pictures on the spread, and a spokesperson from the magazine even told Fox411, “We’re thrilled to feature Lea Michele on the March cover of Cosmopolitan magazine and think she looks stunning.  Michele is a grown woman and Cosmopolitan is a magazine is for adults.”

Do you think Lea Michele’s Cosmo photo will affect her popularity on ‘Glee’ and the entire show?