'Glee' Season 4, Episode 4 Recap & Song List - 'The Break Up'

'Glee' Season 4, Episode 4 Recap & Song List - 'The Break Up' How many angry emails and tweets do you think Ryan Murphy is fielding right now? In the course of a single episode, we saw the relationships of the four most-loved couples on this show fall apart. There are going to be some very angry 'shippers out there.

The New York Side

We start with the next morning after Finn's arrival, and at least some of our (and Rachel's) questions are answered. Finn is not in the army anymore, because he was cleaning his rifle (which he named Rachel) and it shot him in the leg, giving him a "semi-honorable discharge." He was so embarrassed about it that he just kinda kicked around Georgia for a while and didn't contact Rachel at all.

So here he is, in all his mopeyness. He still doesn't know where he fits in or what to do with his life, so Rachel shows him around NYADA to see if it interests him. It doesn't, much.

Meanwhile, Kurt and Blaine continue to have their problems as they just can't seem to find time to talk. It gets to the point where Blaine is looking at flirty texts from a boy named Eli and seriously considering it. Of course, we found with Blaine that he considers texts to be cheating, so he's already done it by his definition.

This prompts Blaine to fly out to New York and surprise Kurt, which puts the foursome together for a night on the town. They go to Callbacks, a karaoke bar where the NYADA students hang out (of course it's called Callbacks), where they run into Brody. Of course. Rachel wants to sing with Finn, but he encourages her to sing with Brody, apparently pretty unaware of the kiss.

And then there's Blaine, who goes up and does "Teenage Dream" and dedicates it to Kurt, since it's the song he was singing when they first met. Darren Criss absolutely kills it with this one, as Blaine is on the verge of tears the whole time. It's sort of an acoustic version of the song, just Blaine and the piano, and for a moment you forget that it's a ridiculous Katy Perry song that he's singing. You can check out the performance in the video below:

Pretty good, right? Well, the fact that it was so sad makes Kurt suspicious, so he probes Blaine about it and finds out the truth: Blaine cheated on him with Eli. Meanwhile, Finn learns about the Brody kiss, so he's upset too. One performance of "Don't Speak" later, and it's pretty clear that these two couples are more or less broken up.

The Ohio Side

There's this awful side plot with Kitty, Jake and Marley as Kitty plans a prank on a character we've never met before by staging a fake rapture. I'm having flashbacks to season two. Help!

Fortunately we don't spend too much time here, as it's really just a way to get Brittany and Santana to talk about their relationship. Yes, Santana is back in town. Apparently Louisville is only a few hours away from Ohio, so she comes back and does her laundry every few weeks so she can see Brittany. So, clearly, their long distance is not quite equal to Klaine's long distance.

And yet, Santana tells Brittany that things aren't working, and Brittany knows it too. One heartfelt performance of "Mine" later and they're broken up as well.

Even with Finchel, Klaine and Brittana broken up, this episode isn't done yet: Will reveals to Emma that he made it onto that panel to improve arts education, so he's going to Washington, D.C. Problem is, Emma doesn't want to go with him. She wants to stay and do her job. So they kinda sorta break up, I guess? Well, good thing nobody really cares about Will and Emma anymore. Do they even have a couple name? Wemma? Willsbury? Ooh, if that second one hasn't been done yet, I'm taking credit. Willsbury.

Oh, one more couple breaks up, but we're happy about this one: Jake dumps Kitty when she's mean to Marley. Jake doesn't look to be ready to date Marley yet, though, so we'll have to wait on that one. Probably wise: "Glee" doesn't want to blow its relationship wad like it usually does.

Finn flies back to Ohio to see Will and his parents and lie low for a bit. He also visits the choir room and suggests "Grease" as the school musical. And then Rachel shows up, as apparently she flew home as well to see him. She's pissed. I would be too, if I had to do that. Doesn't she have classes and stuff? You know she's getting cut if she skips.

Anyway, this finalizes their breakup, and Finn is about to take some time to be Finn. And to sing Coldplay.

This Week's Song List

"Barely Breathing -- Duncan Sheik -- Blaine and Finn

"Give Your Heart a Break -- Demi Lovato -- Brody and Rachel

"Teenage Dream" (acoustic) -- Katy Perry -- Blaine

"Don't Speak" -- No Doubt -- Finn, Rachel, Kurt and Blaine

"Mine" -- Taylor Swift -- Santana

"The Scientist" -- Coldplay -- Finn, Rachel, Kurt, Blaine, Santana, Brittany, Will and Emma