'Glee' Recap & Song List: Season 4, Episode 17: 'Guilty Pleasures'

'Glee' Recap & Song List: Season 4, Episode 17: 'Guilty Pleasures'Glee”, season 4, episode 17, “Guilty Pleasures”

Blaine gives Sam $50. When Sam asks why, Blaine says that he caught him stealing bags of pasta from the lunchroom, and that he knows Sam’s family is struggling, and he doesn’t want them to go hungry. Sam says that he is stealing the pasta, but not to eat. To do his macaroni art. He shows Blaine his noodley masterpieces, and presses Blaine to admit one of his guilty pleasures. He says that he loves Wham!. Tina interrupts them, and says that Will is out sick, so Glee club is cancelled for the week, but Blaine gets an idea.

Blaine and Sam call together the Glee club, and assigns them to perform their guilty pleasures. The club tells them to get the ball rolling, so Sam and Blaine perform “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go” by Wham!.

Brittany approaches Kitty, and proposes ways to help her improve her negative image. She forces her to go on her internet talk show “Fondue For Two”. On the show, they admit their guilty pleasures, but Kitty is scared to admit her ultimate guilty pleasure, and she whispers it to Brittany.

In New York, Kurt admits his newest guilty pleasure is his ‘boyfriend arm’ pillow that he cuddles with every chance he gets. He even named it Bruce.

In the gym, Sam tells Blaine that he has a horrible confession for him. Blaine guesses that Sam has feelings for him, which he brushes off instantly. Instead, he admits that he likes Barry Manilow. Blaine urges him to ‘come out’.

In the hallway, Tina, Unique, and Marley confront Kitty and demand to know what her secret guilty pleasure was. She doesn’t want to tell him, and Brittany blurts out that it was the Spice Girls. All the girls flip out excitedly, eager to perform one of their songs.

In New York, Santana is still locking horns with Rachel and Kurt. She wants more space in the apartment, since she’s now paying rent, but no one seems to care. She threatens to tell Rachel the truth about Brody, who moved out, unless Kurt clears some space for her. He does. She and Rachel decide to prank Kurt to cheer Rachel up. They sneak into his room that night to stick his hand in warm water, and see him with his boyfriend arm.

Sam “comes out” as a “Fanilow” to the Glee club, and performs “Copacabana” by Barry Manilow to show his true love.

The girls try and decide which of the Spice Girls they will play as when Tina arrives with devastating news. Marley storms out and tracks down Jake, and demands to know if it’s true or not; if he is planning on singing a Chris Brown song.

In the library, Sam confronts Blaine and says he knows he hasn’t been honest, and he needs to admit his guilty pleasures.

The girls chase Jake into the choir room, and he tries to justify his choice of Chris Brown. He argues that they should be able to separate the art from the artist, and while he likes the music, he doesn’t like the artist. It’s why it’s a guilty pleasure.

In New York, Kurt gets Santana and Rachel their own boyfriend arms. Rachel says she’s not lonely and doesn’t need it, because she’s going to get back with Brody. Santana puts her foot down and spills to her that Brody was a manwhore, and Rachel turns to Kurt for confirmation. Once she gets it, she storms off.

In the auditorium, Blaine performs a rendition of “Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now)” by Phil Collins. He sings it to Sam, but he tells everyone it was about Kurt. Then he says that Phil Collins is his guilty pleasure.

The girls perform “Wannabe” by the Spice Girls for the guys. After they finish, it’s Jake’s turn to perform “My Prerogative” by Bobby Brown, rather than a song by Chris Brown.

Jake apologizes to the girls about picking Bobby Brown, unaware that he allegedly got Whitney Houston hooked on crack. He then asks Marley if they are okay, and she says that he’s one of her guilty pleasures.

In New York, Rachel confronts Brody about being a manwhore. Brody mentions that Finn messed up his face, and Rachel is surprised to learn that Finn came all the way to New York to do it. She admits that she was using Brody to feel better about herself, and they agree to break up. The seal the deal with a duet of “Creepy” by Radiohead.

In the auditorium, Sam pays Blaine a visit and tells him he knows that Blaine’s guilty pleasure is him, and he’s okay with it. They decide to hug it out.

In New York, Rachel returns home to find Kurt and Santana watching “Facts of Life”. She tells them that she and Brody are done with, and she thanks Santana for being there for her, and she’ll never doubt her again. She wants to watch “Mamma Mia!” to feel better.

This leads them to sing “Mamma Mia” by ABBA.