'Glee' Extra's Spoiler Tweet May Cause Rewrites and New Contracts (Spoiler-Free)

'Glee' Extra's Spoiler Tweet May Cause Rewrites and New Contracts (Spoiler-Free) Be careful what you tweet...especially if you're working on "Glee."

A few days ago, an extra by the name of Nicole Crowther took to her Twitter to reveal some spoilers about the prom episode of "Glee." Don't worry, I won't reveal them here, but trust me when I say that they were big ones, the kind that could ruin the surprise of an otherwise amazing episode.

The backlash was huge. So huge, in fact, that "Glee" co-creator Brad Falchuk tweeted about the situation himself: "Who are you to spoil something talented people have spent months to create?" asked Falchuk of Crowther. He also hinted that he would make sure the girl never worked in the entertainment industry again.

Of course, any extra or other member of the production who spoils something that big is likely to get fired and would have a really tough time getting a job anywhere else (news travels fast in Hollywood). But interestingly, there is no non-disclosure agreement (NDA) in a standard SAG day-player contract saying that there will be any official punishments or legal action against someone who spoils plot details.

Basically, as of right now, anyone who isn't a series regular could come on the show, tell the entire world what's going to happen on that episode, and be protected from legal action. That's likely to change very soon: Fox is planning to include crackdowns on social networking leaks in future contracts. Many other companies and studios (such as Disney) already have that language in their contracts.

Meanwhile, there might be a rewrite to the episode so that fans can still get a surprise when prom time comes.

What do you think? Does Nicole Crowther deserve what she got?