Get Your First Look at Snooki's Baby

Get Your First Look at Snooki's Baby So the hotly anticipated Snooki Jr. has arrived, and so far, the world hasn’t exploded in an apocalyptic disaster of fire and brimstone as expected.

Maybe not until the little tyke turns 18 and the full force of her parenting has kicked in?

Well, regardless, I’d keep an eye on any mysterious changing weather patterns before you plan a major vacation, just in case. I’m not sure how long it takes for an apocalypse to take effect.

If you’ve been dying to see what the earth’s next supposed Bringer of Doom will look like, pictures are out of the kid in People.

And you know what, he’s surprisingly human looking. Almost cute, even. Go figure.

He does have that added “aww” factor of being incredibly tiny working in his favor.

Little Lorenzo Dominic Lavalle has, of course, been the talk of the “Jersey Shore” cast since his birth.

While Vinny a little more traditionally calls the baby “adorable,” and Deena fondly labeled him “a peanut,” Pauly D went the route of happily pointing out, “He has hair and everything; I’m ready to give him a blow out already.”

For the “Jersey Shore” staple and her fiancé, Jianni, things seem to be finally changing from wild nights to early bedtimes.

“[I am] a new person. Everything changed. The partying is long gone… I have a family now!”

Which is a much more heartening quote than earlier quotes flying around the Internet:

"There is no way I'm changing any diapers when my baby is born. That is disgusting. That's what maids are for and babysitters. I don't have time for that. I'll have them do that stuff. I'll be there for the good parts, like dressing my son up and making sure he got style. You don't have to cook or clean or change diapers to be a good mother. My son will have everything he wants. He's going to be a little star like his mommy."

That quote was a fake, I should mention. But does it sound about right?

Snooki responded to the criticism about the made-up quote with this: "FYI, I can't wait to change my kids sh---y diapers & I don't even believe in maids. Just sayin.”

Best of luck to the little (very little!) family!