George Takei Blasts Hobby Lobby, Supreme Court, Urges Boycott

George Takei Blasts Hobby Lobby, Supreme Court, Urges Boycott Monday's Supreme Court ruling goes down as a "stunning set-back for women's reproductive rights," according to "Star Trek" actor and human rights activist George Takei.

With many tempers up over the ruling, Takei has taken to his blog, "That Blog Is So Takei," to urge his followers to boycott Hobby Lobby.

"We are a nation that respects religious beliefs, but also the right not to have those beliefs imposed upon you by others. Our personal beliefs stop at the end of our noses. The only way such companies ever learn to treat people with decency and tolerance is to hit them where it counts - in their pocketbooks."

His blast follows the ruling that closely held corporations can opt out of providing contraceptive coverage to their employees if it interferes with their sincere religious beliefs.

"In this case, the owners happen to be deeply Christian; one wonders whether the case would have come out differently if a Muslim-run chain business attempted to impose Sharia law on its employees," Takei notes.

"Hobby Lobby is not a church. It's a business - and a big one at that. Businesses must and should be required to comply with neutrally crafted laws of general applicability. Your boss should not have a say over your healthcare. Once the law starts permitting exceptions based on 'sincerely held religious beliefs' there's no end to the mischief and discrimination that will ensue."

Takei also notes that the store spends millions on employee retirement plans (hey, that's good, right?)... that are invested in manufacturers that produce many of the same products the store has vehemently protested.

"It also buys most of its inventory from China, where forced abortions are common. The hypocrisy is galling."

Do you side with Takei on this issue? Check out the rest of his blog post here.