'Game of Thrones' Season 5, Episode 6 - 'Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken' Recap

'Game of Thrones'  Season 5, Episode 6 - 'Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken' Recap


We start the week with Arya cleaning yet another body, even though we don't have much in terms of answers as to why the Faceless Men do this, or what happens to the bodies afterward.

Arya tries to get information from her fellow trainee, who relates her story: she was the only daughter of a lord of Westeros, who had her stepmother killed in order to retain her inheritance...or was she? Arya believes her story, and that seems to have been the wrong move.

Later, Arya tells her whole story to Jaqen, who whips her for each truth and tells her that she's lying. "I don't want to play this stupid game anymore!" she says. "We never stop playing," he responds.

Finally, a change: a man brings in his ill daughter, and asks Arya for help. He says that his daughter suffers so much that he just wants it to end, and no healers can help. Arya comforts her with a lie: he tells her how she used to be sick as well and she drank water from the fountain, which healed her.

That kills the girl and ends her pain, which was apparently a test of sorts for Arya. She follows Jaqen to a huge crypt of sorts that seems to hold colums full of faces...faces that the Faceless can use for their identities

Jaqen asks if Arya is ready to become no one, and answers the question himself: she isn't. However, he says, she is ready to become someone else.


Tyrion reveals to Jorah that he killed his father, and the bit about Shae seems to affect Jorah at least a bit. Tyrion also relates his meeting with Jorah's father, who at the time was commanding the Night's Watch, and tells Jorah how his father died.

The two run into trouble when they come across a group of slavers who capture them. They want to chop off Tyrion's dick to sell it for a fortune, but Tyrion not only talks them into keeping him alive, but also into keeping Jorah alive so that they can sell him as a fighter for the fighting pits. Jorah seals the deal by telling them how he killed a Dothraki rider in hand-to-hand combat.

King's Landing

Littlefinger has landed, and he immediately runs into Lancel and his gang of Sparrows. He meets with Cersei and through the tension, Baelish tells her that Sansa is alive and well...but neglects to mention that he's the one who kept her alive. Rather, he seems to be trying to goad her into marching on Winterfell after Stannis and the Boltons beat each other up a bit.

He offers his own warriors of the Vale for the task, with the condition that he be named warden of the North if he succeeds...even though Cersei throws in the condition that Sansa's head be offered on a pike as well.

Later, Lady Olenna Tyrell meets with Cersei and calls her out over the incarceration of Loras. It's a matching of wits in which Cersei denies pretty much everything and Olenna buys pretty much none of it.

Loras has to go on trial, sitting through a hearing with the High Sparrow that brings up his history with Renly. He does fine, and when Margaery is brought up as well she holds up Loras' lies. However, the High Sparrow brings in Loras' squire/boyfriend, who sells him out and offers Loras' Dorne-shaped birthmark as proof.

That's bad for Loras, but equally bad for Margaery, who lied under oath and is trouble as well.


Jamie and Bronn have stolen some Dornish uniforms and ride their way into the city, arriving just in time forthe Sand Snakes' attack on Myrcella. Their brawl is disrupted by the city's guard, who orders them all to drop their weapons. Ellaria is also taken in for her treachery.


Miranda tries to scare Sansa with stories of Ramsay's previous girlfriends who have been "hunted" and killed...those stories may be true, but Sansa calls Miranda out on her attempt to scare her.

Theon escorts Sansa to the wedding, which takes place in front of the Weirwood tree. That awkwardness aside, the wedding goes as planned. The wedding night is considerably more awful, as Ramsay forces Theon to stay and watch as Ramsay and Sansa consummate the marriage. It is, of course, a horrendous scene with Ramsay raping Sansa as a tearful Theon watches, unable to intervene.

It's the one nightmare that Sansa had avoided thus far...and one has to hope that Sansa Stark will get her revenge sooner rather than later.