'Game of Thrones' 'Oathkeepers' and the Cersei/Jaime Fallout Recap

'Game of Thrones'  'Oathkeepers' and the Cersei/Jaime Fallout Recap This week's episode was more of a setup for future clashes, but there was some excitement nonetheless even if we weren't treated to much bloodshed. Here's what happened in "Oathkeepers" by location:


Grey Worm is learning some English, which provides a chuckle or two before it's time to get down to the business of sacking the city of Meereen. Danaerys launched those chains into the city in an attempt to incite the slaves to riot, but so far they haven't started their revolution yet.

So Grey Worm and some of his Unsullied sneak into the city and provide the slaves with weapons, giving them the extra edge they needed to take down the masters. Dany, still pissed about the young slaves who were nailed to crosses along the road, repays the masters by nailing the same number of them up.

Pretty great shot of Danaerys, standing at the pinnacle of Meereen, with the House Targaryen banner behind her. Look out, Westeros!

Castle Black

Jon Snow finally gets permission to march on Craster's Keep (mostly in the hopes by the higher-ups that he dies doing so), and asks for volunteers to go with him. Among them is Locke, who you'll remember chopped of Jaime's hand and was dispatched by Roose Bolton to go find Bran. Looks like he's just gotten himself an escort.

Craster's Keep

The traitors are still total dicks, and unfortunately Bran and his gang wander a bit too close to the camp and get captured. Way to go, Bran. Also, Craster's last baby is born, and is sent out to be picked up by the White Walkers. We follow the baby further north and see it be turned in a sort of White Walker ritual.

King's Landing

Jaime, after some guilt-tripping from Bronn, finally goes to visit Tyrion, though it won't do Tyrion a lot of good. The visit does really rile Cersei, who maintains that Tyrion is guilty and asks Jaime to track down Sansa for her.

Jaime instead gives Brienne his Valyrian steel sword (which she names "Oathkeeper"), a brand new set of armor, and a new squire in Podrick (long live Podrick!). Is Jaime really concerned for Sansa's wellbeing and hoping to fulfill his oath, or is he hoping to use Brienne to get back in Cersei's good graces?

Meanwhile, Lady Olenna all but confesses to Margaery that she murdered Joffrey (at sea, Littlefinger tells Sansa that he had a hand in it, too) because she couldn't have let her marry "that beast." Good mothering, there. She also advises Margaery to get Tommen to like her as soon as she can before Cersei gets all monster-in-law on her.

But the best part of this week's episode: Tommen has a cat named Ser Pounce. Best cat name ever.