'Game of Thrones' Another Wedding Death, This Time a Joyous One Recap

'Game of Thrones'  Another Wedding Death, This Time a Joyous One Recap How are you feeling, "Game of Thrones" fans? Pretty good? Yeah, me too.

Here's what happened this week on the show, by location:

King's Landing

How could we not start here? A day of celebration turned into a TRUE day of celebration. It's the day of the royal wedding, and everyone is in town to see Joffrey marry Margaery Tyrell.

In true Joffrey fashion, he spends most of the event being a straight up asshole. He throws money at performers, insults Renly in front of poor Brienne, and does everything he can to humiliate Tyrion.

He calls out a troupe of little people to perform a pageant, then suggests Tyrion should fight too; he pours wine over Tyrion's head; he commands Tyrion to be his cupbearer and to kneel in front of him.

But, glory hallelujah, it all comes back to him. After drinking his wine and eating his pie, Joffrey starts to cough and collapses to the ground. Before he croaks, he points at Tyrion, blaming him for the poisoning.

But did Tyrion really do it? Was the Fool, who quickly escorted Sansa away, to blame? Mystery!

Bonus points this week for Jamie and Bronn training together. Arya and The Hound have a new contender for best duo to star in a buddy cop movie.


Are we feeling bad for Theon yet? It would seem that Ramsey has him completely trained as Reek, having him run along in his human hunt and even having him shave his face. In fact, to prove to his father that Theon is completely brainwashed, Ramsey tells Theon that Robb Stark is dead while Theon has the razor to his throat. He holds off on slitting his throat though.

Bonus points for the cut from Theon to Tyrion eating a sausage. Poor Theon.


Blah blah lord of light blah blah. After burning some people, Stannis actually defends his disfigured daughter and has Melisandre speak to her. Which is just more blah blah one true god. Hey Red Lady...there really is only one true god, and that's Nicholas Cage. Get with the times.

North of the Wall

Bran's getting really good at this Warg thing. But the really exciting stuff comes when Hodor takes him to the godswood tree, and he gets all kinds of visions: A three-eyed crow, some flashes of Ned and his sword, the Iron Throne in a burned-up hall with no roof, and the shadow of a dragon soaring over King's Landing.