'Game of Thrones' 'Breaking Chains' and Very Disturbing Sex Recap

'Game of Thrones'  'Breaking Chains' and Very Disturbing Sex Recap The sex on "Game of Thrones" is almost never what we would call "normal," but this week was just downright disturbing. Here's a recap of what happened in "Breaking Chains," by location.

The Sea Outside King's Landing

Sansa is hurried away from the wedding by Ser Dontos, who rows her in a boat out to sea. There, they meet up with Littlefinger, who promptly has poor Ser Dontos shot in the head with an arrow. Sansa is still somewhat trusting of Littlefinger, because she's Sansa.

Castle Black

The Wildlings and their delightful cannibal friends attack a village and send the lone survivor, a small boy, off to Castle Black to report their presence. This puts the remaining Crows at Castle Black on edge, as they know they can't possibly fight them all off. However, they might have to go back north of the Wall to Craster's Keep in order to prevent the Wildling army from capturing those still there and getting information out of them.

Meanwhile, Sam is trying to do what's best for Gilly, but it doesn't look promising. He's concerned about her staying at Castle Black since she's one woman among 100 men who have all taken a vow of chastity. That's understandable, but Sam's solution is to send her to a nearby town and have her stay in a brothel, which seems like a bad idea, you know?

Somewhere Out in the Countryside

The always-entertaining duo that is The Hound and Arya happen across a farmer and his daughter, who take them in after Arya lies that The Hound is her father and he fought for the Tullys in the war. After some delicious rabbit stew, The Hound agrees to work for the farmer...but in actuality, he just knocks him over the head and steals his silver.

When Arya yells at him about it, Hound rationalizes that the man and his daughter "will be dead by winter," and argues that there's no honor left here. "How many more Starks have to lose their heads before you understand that?" he asks.

Snap, Arya. You got told.


Stannis, upon getting word that Joffrey is dead, is pestering Ser Davos to just get on with it and get him an army already. Mind you, now that Joffrey is dead, Stannis is next in line after Tommen even with the whole legitimacy thing in place. Ser Davos is at a loss, until he speaks to Stannis' daughter and gets an idea. We'll see how his ploy plays out in the coming weeks.

King's Landing

This is where most of the action happens, which makes sense considering the fallout of last week's episode. Tyrion is immediately thrown in jail, and is visited by Podrick. A heartbreaking scene follows, in which Tyrion tries to get Pod to forget his loyalty and look out for himself. Aww.

Tywin is busy counseling Tommen, Joffrey's little brother, on how to be a king. Tommen seems much more level-headed (thank god) and Tywin knows it, too.

Cersei can't take any joy in the succession, though, with Joffrey still lying dead on the table while the conversation is going on. He may have been an evil bastard, but Cersei clearly loved her son...and so did Jaime, to the best of his ability. But things take a turn for the awful when Jaime forces himself on Cersei right next to their dead son. Rape is terrible enough, but rape next to your dead kid? That's pretty low, Jaime.

As for Margaery, she reckons she's cursed since her first royal husband was gay and got stabbed by a shadow monster, and her second one was poisoned during the wedding day. What's worse, since they didn't consummate the marriage, she doesn't even get to be queen. But Lady Olenna is convinced that Margaery will soon be wed to Tommen, because that's just how things work around here.

Meanwhile, at the brothel (where, let's be honest, we spend most of our time), Prince Oberyn and Ellaria are having a grand ole time until Tywin shows up. What's with people always interrupting brothel time? Can't it wait like 20 minutes?

Tywin has his judges almost lined up for Tyrion's trial, but wants Oberyn to serve as the third in exchange for getting him a meeting with The Mountain (that other Clegane who raped and murdered Oberyn's sister). Oberyn, it seems, agrees.

Essos (Specifically Meereen)

Danaerys has moved on to her next city, Meereen, who seem confident in their ability to repel her army considering that she's already conquered two others and she has dragons. She doesn't even need them this time, though, as she has Daario act as her champion and totally wreck the guy Meereen sent out. The barrels full of chains designed to start a slave riot in the city were a nice touch, Dany.