'Game of Thrones' Watch: Arya to Reunite with Old Friend?

'Game of Thrones' Watch: Arya to Reunite with Old Friend?

With word this week of horrendous weather conditions on the Icelandic set of Game of Thrones, fans have to worry that the already delayed premiere of the upcoming season might be delayed even further. In the meantime, some other news suggests that there are twists and turns in store that could make the new season worth waiting for.

Rumors have suggested evidence that Arya Stark could be reunited next season with an old friend that she hasn't seen in quite some time. Who could it be? The Hound? Jaqen H'gahr?

Nope, neither of the above.

Reports from the series' off-the-beaten track filming location in British Columbia have said that Maisie Williams, who plays Arya, has been filming there. That's significant because the Canadian location is where the series films wolves in front of a green screen for its direwolf sequences. The reports have said that two wolves have also been spotted - one of them the white wolf who plays Jon Snow's Ghost and another that could only be Arya's Nymeria, the only other surviving direwolf.

We haven't seen Nymeria since the series' first season, when she fled after biting Joffrey in defense of Arya. Now it looks almost certain that she'll reappear, and since Williams has been on set, too, it looks like the old friends will be together once again.