Are 'Game of Thrones'' Sand Snakes Getting What They Deserve?

Are 'Game of Thrones'' Sand Snakes Getting What They Deserve?

[Warning: Spoilers ahead.]

While things look grim for Daenerys and her camp following Euron’s successful attack on her armada of Greyjoy defects in “Stormborn,” Game of Thrones Twitter (and even some writers) found a bright spot within the (literally) dark ambush, taking a moment to celebrate the dispatch of two of the Sand Snakes, who are among the show’s most heavily criticized characters.

As in the season six premiere, when Ellaria executed a coup against Oberyn Martell’s brother Doran and seized control of Dorne, we’ve seen the show’s crop of Dornish characters cut down once more. Nymeria and Obara Sand were slain in Euron’s attack, while Ellaria and Tyene have been taken captive, presumably as the “gift” that Euron promised to bring Cersei in “Dragonstone.”

Things don’t look promising for Dorne’s two remaining significant figures, and the indifference many fans seem to feel toward Ellaria and Tyene’s fate is a symptom of the show’s consistent mishandling of Dorne as a location as well as its characters.

With the end of Dorne potentially nigh, it seems like a good time to look back on exactly why this promising plot line left so many viewers cold.

Read the rest of this article at Vox.

Game of Thrones stars Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke.