'Game of Thrones' Season 7 Summarized in GIFs

'Game of Thrones' Season 7 Summarized in GIFs

We're all dealing with Game of Thrones withdrawal in our own way, and one illustrator is sharing his coping mechanism with us. Eran Mendel had some fun with the episodes of GoT's most recent season, and his fun is contagious.  I guess we'd be doing you all an injustice to say that these GIFs DON'T contain spoilers, but, well... they're just GIFs.

Via InVision.

Last year, Tel Aviv-based illustrator Eran Mendel created a GIF for every season 6 episode of Game of Thrones. We were stoked to see he did the same thing for season 7.

Will these GIFs hold us over until season 8 premieres in 2018? Definitely not, but they’re still pretty great. Check ’em out below, and read about Eran’s process for creating seamless looping GIFs here.

See  the "bonus" GIF and all the other animated GIFs at InVision.

How are you satisfying your GoT cravings during the long wait for season 8? Let us know in the comment section below.