'Game of Thrones' Season 5 Trailer Leaks - Watch Now!

'Game of Thrones' Season 5 Trailer Leaks - Watch Now!

It's here!

The first official trailer for "Game of Thrones" season 5 is here...even though the means of release wasn't quite so official.

The trailer posted to YouTube is a leaked copy, recorded off of a screen. The quality isn't the best, but we can still get a pretty good idea of what's going on, and what to expect from the upcoming season.

In the trailer, we see the continuing stories of a few of our favorite (and least favorite) characters. Tyrion has a pronounced beard and seems to be back to wallowing in wine instead of reveling in his freedom from both his imprisonment and his father's shadow.

We get some shots of Arya making her way through Braavos, knocking on a set of doors that fans of the books might find significant. Meanwhile her sister, Sansa, is being told by Littlefinger to "take revenge" for the family members she has lost.

We also see Jon Snow, still commanding his troops and fighting against...something. More wildlings, or the White Walkers?

The whole thing is set to a lugubrious cover of David Bowie's "Heroes" which morphs into something a bit disturbing and distorted by the end of the trailer.

Overall, it's more of a teaser than a trailer, with a lot of quick shots that we're left to decipher. The moment that the whole trailer builds toward, though, is this: Varys, speaking to Tyrion, tells him that the throne could only be taken by someone "loved by millions, with a powerful army and the right family name."

Tyrion responds in a typically sarcastic manner: "Good luck finding him." To which Varys responds, "Who said anything about him?" right before we're shown a lingering shot of Danaerys.

"Game of Thrones" season 5 premieres April 12. Check out the leaked trailer below: