Game of Thrones: Season 3, Episode 4: 'And Now His Watch is Ended' Recap

Game of Thrones: Season 3, Episode 4: 'And Now His Watch is Ended' RecapGame of Thrones”, season 3, episode 4, “And Now His Watch is Ended”

In the Riverlands…

Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth are once again on horseback being lead north. Jaime now wears his severed hand around his neck, and isn’t doing too well from the wound. He falls off his horse, and his captors taunt him. He manages to knock one man down and grab his sword, but he is too weak to do any harm. He gives up, and they load him back up on his horse, threatening to cut off his other hand next time.

That evening, Brienne calls Jaime a woman, because he’s pouting and refusing to eat. She tells him he needs to survive in order to get revenge. He decides to eat. She then asks him why he saved her when their captors were going to rape her, but he doesn’t answer.

In King’s Landing…

Tyrion Lannister pays Varys a visit, and tries to figure out who gave the order to kill him during the Battle of the Blackwater. Varys says he has no proof, but he believes it was Cersei Lannister. Tyrion reveals that he wants to know so he can enact revenge. Varys takes the opportunity to tell Tyrion about his quest for revenge against the sorcerer who castrated him as a boy, after raping him. And after so many years of waiting, he finally has his chance for revenge against the sorcerer. He tells Tyrion to be patient, because revenge will come.

Later, Varys visits Ros, one of Littlefinger’s prostitutes. She tells him that she believes Littlefinger is planning on taking Sansa Stark with him to The Vale.

Meanwhile, Joffrey gives Margaery Tyrell the grand tour of the Great Sept of Baelor, and shows her the various tombs of their enemies. As he shows her around, a growing clamor can be heard from outside. Margaery urges Joffrey to follow her outside, and they find the crowd of citizens cheering for them.

Varys pays Olenna Tyrell a visit in her garden. He tells her that he’s concerned about Littlefinger taking control of Sansa Stark, and, by doing so, will have power over the North if Robb Stark were to fall in battle. Varys says that Littlefinger is one of the most dangerous men in Westeros, and not to be taken lightly. Olenna agrees, and they both know there is an obvious solution…

Later, Margaery Tyrell finds Sansa Stark, and says that they should be friends. She also suggests that Sansa visit Highgarden, because she’d surely love it. Sansa says Queen Cersei would never allow her to leave King’s Landing, and Margaery points out that once she and Joffrey are wed, she’ll be queen. But, she adds, that if Sansa were to marry her brother Loras Tyrell, then she’d have to live in Highgarden. Sansa smiles.

Beyond the Wall…

The Night’s Watch grow more and more upset at Craster and the way they are treated. And the fact they have no food. This leads them to mutiny. They kill the Wildling Craster, and when Lord Commander Mormont tries to stop them, they kill him as well.

During the commotion, Samwell runs from the fight and finds his love Gilly and her son. He tells them they have to go, now. They run off, Gilly leading the way. Rast, one of the Night’s Watch that spurred the mutiny shouts after them that they can run, but they can’t hide.

Across the Narrow Sea…

Daenerys Targaryen brings her dragon, Drogon, to Kraznys mo Nakloz as her part of their exchange. All 8,000 of the Unsullied stand at attention as Daenerys hands over the dragon in exchange for the whip to command the Unsullied. She asks if the deal is done, and Kraznys says it is, but he’s having trouble restraining the dragon.

Daenerys turns to her new army and begins addressing them in Valyrian, surprising Missandei and Kraznys. Kraznys is horrified when Daenerys says that Valyrian is her native language, as he has been insulting her during their entire encounter.

She turns back to the Unsullied and commands them to kill all of the slave masters, soldiers, and anyone with a whip, making sure to spare the children and free any slave they find. Kraznys protests, calling to the warriors that he’s their master. She turns to her dragon and gives it the command (dracarys) to unleash its flames upon Kraznys. He is engulfed in a matter of seconds. The Unsullied begin attacking.

After the battle, Daenerys addresses her new slave warriors and tells them that they are all free, and if they want to leave, they may do so without any harm. She then asks which of them will fight with her, and they all signify their allegiance with her.

Daenerys and her army of over 8,000 marches out of the burning remains of Astapor as her dragons fly above her. Look out Westeros…