'Game of Thrones' Recap: Westeros Gears Up for All-Out War

'Game of Thrones' Recap: Westeros Gears Up for All-Out War

This week on Game of Thrones, three main characters died, two Stark siblings reunited, we finally visited Casterly Rock — and these aren't even the major headlines from the episode.

That distinction, of course, belongs to the very first meeting between Jon Snow (Kit Harington) and Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke), the ice and fire at the heart of this epic song. The King in the North and the Dragon Queen's initial interactions were fraught with tension, eventually giving way toward some thawing of the frigid dynamic. Given the gravity of the event, it's understandable that most attention in the world of Thrones this week was centered on Jon and Dany finally joining forces.

Read the rest of this article at The Hollywood Reporter.

Game of Thrones also stars Peter Dinklage and Maisie Williams.