Watch a 'Game of Thrones' Duel... with Lightsabers

Watch a 'Game of Thrones' Duel... with Lightsabers Proper duels in "Game of Thrones" are less prevalent than you would expect, so when one comes up, you make the most of it. But don't you sometimes wish they had a little more... I dunno, pizazz?

Your wish is this YouTube user's command: a studying filmmaker's attempt at rotoscoping has gone viral, as he decided to take on a scene from "Game of Thrones" and throw in some lightsabers for the heck of it. Because why not?

The scene is the famous season one duel between Eddard Stark and Jamie Lannister, which ends rather badly for poor Ned. Only instead of doing the thing with broad swords, now the two knights have lightsabers. I can hear the fan fiction being typed up already...

YouTube user Joel935M claims that this is his first attempt at the laborious task of rotoscoping, in which case bravo to Mr. Joel, who has done a fine job of it and provided much nerdly entertainment to the masses. As of now, the video has amassed nearly 350,000 views and counting.

Check out the "Game of Thrones" lightsaber duel below: