Frank Miller Really Does Not Support Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street has had it's share of celebrity fans. Susan Saradon, Alec Baldwin, even Kanye West stopped by with a pound of jewelry on to support the cause. Someone you might not find visiting the faithful at Zuccotti Park? "Batman: Year One" comic scribe and "Sin City" director Frank Miller.

Miller took to his blog to rant against the Occupy movement, calling protesters "louts, thieves, and rapists" among other things.

Here is just a sample of Miller's take on the 99% posted over at his blog earlier last week:

"Everybody’s been too damn polite about this nonsense:

The “Occupy” movement, whether displaying itself on Wall Street or in the streets of Oakland (which has, with unspeakable cowardice, embraced it) is anything but an exercise of our blessed First Amendment. “Occupy” is nothing but a pack of louts, thieves, and rapists, an unruly mob, fed by Woodstock-era nostalgia and putrid false righteousness. These clowns can do nothing but harm America.

“Occupy” is nothing short of a clumsy, poorly-expressed attempt at anarchy, to the extent that the “movement” – HAH! Some “movement”, except if the word “bowel” is attached - is anything more than an ugly fashion statement by a bunch of iPhone, iPad-wielding spoiled brats who should stop getting in the way of working people and find jobs for themselves.

This is no popular uprising. This is garbage. And goodness knows they’re spewing their garbage – both politically and physically – every which way they can find."

Holy rant, Batman! Tell us what you really think, Frank!

The blog post itself already has nearly 6,000 comments and has sparked debate among the pro and anti Occupy factions. You'd also think someone who writes comic books wouldn't be so fast to use "Lords of Warcraft" as an insult.

Miller might be one of the few celebrities not either supporting the cause or keeping mum on their feelings about the movement. Wonder what he thinks of the rumors that the new Batman film, "The Dark Knight Rises," filmed around Occupy Wall Street recently?

What do you think of Miller's rant? Do you agree with him or think he missed the mark? Sound off in the comments!