'Fox & Friends' Likes NYT's Critical Review

'Fox & Friends' Likes NYT's Critical Review

Fox News found a phrase it liked in a scathing New York Times review of the morning show Fox & Friends and promoted it in three prominent newspapers on Thursday.

In a July 19 column, TV critic James Poniewozik wrote, referring to President Donald Trump: "Suddenly, for no other reason than its No. 1 fan, it is the most powerful TV show in America."

Fox News placed full-page advertisements in the Times, The Wall Street Journal and the New York Post attributing to the Times the partial quote about how Fox & Friends is "the most powerful TV show in America."

The show's co-hosts celebrated the ad on Thursday morning's show, holding up a copy of the Times for viewers to see. "This program, the program you are watching, is, according to The New York Times, the most powerful TV show in America," Steve Doocy said.

Read the rest of this article at The Hollywood Reporter.

President Donald Trump often responds directly to things that he sees on Fox & Friends and other cable news shows.