'Fox & Friends' Doesn't Think Trump's Mockery of Christine Blasey Ford is a Good Idea

'Fox & Friends' Doesn't Think Trump's Mockery of Christine Blasey Ford is a Good Idea

Donald Trump can usually rely on the hosts of Fox & Friends to support him no matter what he does, but his mockery of Christine Blasey Ford at a rally on Tuesday did not get a thumbs up from the show. Read on for details.

Via Deadlne.

President Donald Trump’s fave morning show Fox & Friends did not dispute the message in his attack on Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford, but questioned the “tactic.”

“He did go after the accuser because we know… there’s huge holes in the accuser’s story,” Brian Kilmeade said. ” We don’t know how she got there, how she left, who invited her, we don’t know how she knows Brett Kavanaugh, we don’t know what house it took place in. Is that enough to destroy someone’s career, life and reputation?”

“However the tactic of the president laying low has been lauded by all sides…Last night he chose to blow it…as the FBI is handing in the FBI report as early as today? I wonder about the wisdom, as much as the crowd loved it, I wonder about the wisdom, tactically, of him doing that.”

Get the rest of the story at Deadline.

Do you agree with the Fox and Friends reservations about Trump's mockery of Ford? Let us know in the comments below.