'The Following' Season 1, Episode 7: 'Let Me Go' Recap

'The Following'  Season 1, Episode 7: 'Let Me Go' RecapThe Following’, season 1, episode 7, ‘Let Me Go’

Emma and Joey pull into a garage. They meet a man named Bo, who says he’s been expecting them. Joey asks to use the bathroom, and as he walks towards it, he hears a woman crying. He seeks her out, pushing his way in through a chained door, and finds her in a cage. She begs for his help and he runs in terror.

In the prison, Joe Carroll’s lawyer Olivia shows the warden footage of Ryan Hardy breaking Carroll’s fingers. He requests to be transferred.

In her house, Claire tells Debra Parker about Charlie and tries to describe him. Hardy walks in, and Claire says Charlie kept talking about a “Roderick”, and Parker and Hardy say that he’s probably Carroll’s second-in-command.

In the garage, Joey tells Emma about the woman in the cage, and Bo overhears, not too pleased. He yells at Joey to not go back there again. Emma confronts him about the woman in the cage, and he says it’s none of her business.

In the prison, the warden tells Parker that Carroll’s transfer request has been approved, and that he’s being moved immediately.

Hardy goes to Carroll and tries to find out why he wanted the transfer, and why he wants to go to Georgia. He gets nothing out of him.

Suspicious, Hardy asks Weston to check into the Warden’s past history.

In the garage, Joey steals Bo’s keys and goes back to release Dana from the cage. Meanwhile, Emma asks Bo how he knows Roderick and if he even knows Joe Carroll. Bo notices that Joey is missing, and goes looking for him. Bo tracks him to the room and notices that Dana was gone. He goes crazy and Joey runs, Bo chases. He tries to hide under a vehicle, but Bo finds him. Emma draws a gun on Bo, demanding that he let him go, but Bo attacks her and holds the gun on her. Charlie arrives just in time, with the recaptured Dana.

In the prison, Carroll is loaded into a transport vehicle, and it’s surrounded by SUVs and tailed by a helicopter.

Hardy asks Weston if he found anything, and he found that the warden has a daughter in college. Dana. They confront the warden, and point out that she’s been missing for two days. They propose that the warden is being blackmailed, but he dismisses it.

Meanwhile, Charlie tells Emma that Dana is important and is their leverage. And that Bo won’t be going with them.

In the prison, they go over surveillance footage they confiscated from Charlie’s warehouse, and find one video of the prison’s loading bay. Hardy has them pull up the video from Carroll being loaded and realizes that it was spliced and edited. They get a call saying the warden has taken the rest of the day off.

Hardy calls Parker and says the warden and his men have been compromised, and she orders the convoy to stop. They check the transport truck, and Carroll isn’t in it.

Meanwhile, Hardy stops the warden from leaving, who protests that they’re going to get his daughter killed. Hardy demands to look in his trunk and finds it Carroll-free as well.

Elsewhere, Olivia, Carroll’s lawyer opens her trunk, revealing him. She hands him a fresh suit, and he thanks her.

The warden finally tells Hardy that Olivia has Carroll. He has the warden arrested.

Hardy and Weston hit the road, and have the FBI trace Olivia’s cellphone, and determine that she’s driving. Inside her car, Carroll, now wearing a suit, notices how nervous she looks.

In the garage, Joey talks to Charlie. Charlie tells him that he was just with his mom, and he was going to bring her, but the bad guys showed up and ruined everything. Joey asks about Dana, and Charlie promises him that she’ll be okay.

Arriving at their destination, Carroll has Olivia call Hardy, and tell him that “Joe Carroll is killing me and it’s because of you, Ryan.” Once Olivia realizes what she’s saying, Carroll has begun to strangle her. Hardy says Carroll can kill him instead, but it’s too late.

Carroll walks into a mall and a crowded food court and finds a man he was looking for.

Hardy and Weston find Olivia’s car with her body still inside. Onlookers say that Carroll went inside the mall, and Weston instructs them to call 9-1-1.

In the food court, they split up looking for him. Hardy spots him, and points him out to Weston.

Carroll meets with a man named David who ushers him out of the food court, towards the basement. On their way, a security guard spots them, but a blonde woman walks into him, nonchalantly slicing open his abdomen. They wait for the elevator as the man bleeds out. She introduces herself as Louise.

Hardy runs to the body as Carroll’s elevator closes. He tries to take the stairs, but David stayed behind and gets the jump on him, stealing his gun. David runs up the stairs and Hardy chases. When he gets to the top, David attacks again, but Carroll shows up with Hardy’s gun.

He contemplates killing Hardy, but he finds that this plot twist isn’t very interesting, and that their little novel is just beginning and he wants Hardy to live to see the rest of it.

They hear a helicopter overhead, and Louise and Carroll head for it, and David stays behind, holding Hardy at bay by gun. Hardy says that David can’t kill him because Carroll wants him alive, so he attacks him and wins back his gun, shooting David in the process.

Hardy runs for the roof, but it’s too late. He shoots at the helicopter to no avail.

In the garage, Charlie gets the go-ahead to leave, and Emma asks about Bo and Dana. Charlie excuses himself to speak to Bo in private.

In the parking garage, Parker says the helicopter was unregistered, and they can’t locate Dana. Hardy requests to interrogate David, and Parker allows him 5 minutes with him, so long as he doesn’t hurt him.

Hardy puts on some surgical gloves and begins to question David about Joey. He refuses to answer, so Hardy sticks his thumb into David’s leg wound, causing him to cry out in pain.

Having gotten the location of the garage, Hardy and the FBI storm the location, and find Bo locked in the cage with a bullet in his head. And they find Dana still alive in the cage. She says that they took Joey when they left.

In her home, Claire is moved into protective custody since Carroll is on the loose. She sees the irony in it; being locked up when her ex-husband is free.

Joe and Louise are welcomed into a gated mansion, and greeted by dozens of Carroll’s followers, including Charlie and Emma and Joey. Emma urges Joey to greet his dad, but he’s hesitant, so Carroll goes to introduce himself to him.