'The Following' Season 1, Episode 5: 'The Siege' Recap

'The Following'  Season 1, Episode 5: 'The Siege' Recap ‘The Following’, season 1, episode 5, ‘The Siege’

The threesome from last week’s episode wake up in bed together, and Jacob excuses himself to go and freak out. While Emma and Paul giggle, downstairs Joey finds the hidden cell phone and calls his mom. The FBI attempt to trace his call, but Paul overhears him and drags him away from the phone, much to his mother’s panic. The agents attempt to trace the call, but it’s been scrambled and implants a virus on their system.

Olivia Warren, Joe’s appeals attorney shows up, which upsets Ryan.

Back in the farm, Emma tells the scared Joey that all the police are bad guys, and that’s why he can’t go home. In the cellar, Paul wakes up Meghan and tells her she’s never going home.

Paul gives Jacob some pointers on how to dispatch Meghan, but Jacob can’t seem to get over what they did the night before. He tells him he’s not gay, but Paul disagrees and says what they did felt right. Jacob asks Paul to kill Meghan for him, but he won’t.

In the prison, Olivia cautiously meets with Joe. She says she can’t help him, legally or otherwise.

Flashback to 2010, Olivia apologizes for losing his appeal and dismisses herself from his case.

Back to now, he tells Olivia he needs to move things along faster, and asks if she still has her contacts.

She calls together a press conference on his behalf, and reads “The Mask of the Red Death” by Poe to eager cameras. This triggers two of Joe’s followers.

Suspecting Joe’s up to something, Debra Parker allows Ryan and Mike to go to Dutchess County, which is where they believe Joey is being held, which he explains to Claire. She wants to go along, but they won’t let her.

In the country, Emma called Roderick, one of the men triggered by the message. Paul asks how she dealt with Joey, saying they should have smacked him around a bit. Joey, eavesdropping once again, overhears.

Olivia drops by Claire’s house with a message from Joe, demanding to speak to her alone. She says that if she wants to see Joey, she must be at a crossroads at a specific time.

Ryan and Mike arrive in Dutchess County and are informed they’ve narrowed the search down to about 150 properties covering 50 miles.

In the country, Jacob comes up from the cellar, not having killed Meghan. He storms off outside and Paul follows him out. Meanwhile, Emma notices Joey is missing.

Emma tells Paul and Jacob that Joey is gone, so they split up in search of him.

Joey runs through the woods before tripping and being found by a neighbor.

Claire makes plans at home to go out and meet a friend. The agents there insist they go with her. The agent calls Debra Parker and tells her something fishy is going on.

In Dutchess county, the local officers recognize Paul’s face from the security footage the night he kidnapped Meghan, which allows them to narrow down the search.

The neighbor brings Joey to his house, and his wife immediately recognizes him. They are going to let him use their phone when Emma shows up. She takes Joey back to the farm.

In the woods, Emma chastises Joey for running off. She tells Paul and Jacob that she didn’t find him, but the neighbors did. Paul pays them a visit, with a gardening hoe in hand.

The sheriff alerts Ryan and Office Lopez that they received a call about Joey, and they race to the location.

In the house, Emma locks Joey in his room, but she hears noises. A strange man takes her by surprise and says that Roderick sent him and that they have to go now.

In the restaurant, Claire is waiting for her friend as the agents look on from another table.

Ryan and Lopez arrive at the neighbor’s house to discover them murdered. They follow a trail through the woods and find the farm that matches the description. They see Paul and Jacob outside, and they call for backup. They move in for a closer look.

Inside the house, Emma introduces Jacob and Paul to Hank. He tells them they have 10 minutes to pack, and to make it light.

Debra Parker is informed the farm has been located, and she calls in all her reinforcements.

At the restaurant, Claire excuses herself to use the restroom, but slips outside instead. The agent is wearing, and once he realizes she’s gone, he calls it in.

Ryan and Officer Lopez split up outside the farm. Hank, who is loading the car, calls Roderick who says that Claire is late. Hank notices Officer Lopez, and follows him into the barn.

In the barn, Lopez hears a noise and thinks it’s Ryan. But Hank reveals himself and plays innocent. Lopez is nervous, and Hank takes advantage, grabbing his gun, and shooting him in the stomach. He goes to finish him off when Ryan surprises him and fatally shoots him.

Inside the house, Emma, Jacob, and Paul hear the gunshots and Jacob begins to panic. They all split up to find Hank and the source of the shot.

In the barn, Ryan reports there’s an officer down, and tries to help Lopez. But he succumbs to his wounds.

In the house, Joey finds he’s locked in his room, and tries to break down the door.

In the prison, Olivia sees Joe again and gives him an update, saying they’ve found his son and that she’s delivered his message to the press and to his wife. Olivia asks what she’s part of, knowing that the message must have triggered something.

Flashback to 2010, Hank visits Olivia under Joe’s orders. He brought her a message.

Back to now, Olivia begs to be let out of this game. Joe tells her it’s only just begun. She grabs a pen and paper, revealing some stubs where her fingers used to be. Apparently Hank had cut it off in 2010.

On the street corner, Roderick tells Claire to get in if she wants to see Joey again. She does, and they drive away.

Back in the house, Joey manages to pry the door open.

In the barn, Emma and Jacob find Hank and Lopez.

Outside, Ryan breaks into the cellar of the house and finds Meghan. He uncovers her mouth and asks her to be quiet, but she panics. He tapers her mouth shut again and tells her he’ll be back.

Ryan goes upstairs and spots Joey. Joey, believing all cops are evil, is weary of trusting him. Ryan tells him he’s going to take him to go see his mom, and as soon as Joey starts to trust him, Paul holds a gun up to Ryan’s head.