First Look at Adrianne Palicki in Wonder Woman Costume!

First Look at Adrianne Palicki in Wonder Woman Costume! I'll admit - when they first announced the new "Wonder Woman" TV series, I didn't think it would get off the ground. Superhero TV shows go into development constantly, and almost none of them ever make it out of that alive.

Couple that with the difficulty they've had making a big-screen version of the character, which has been at some stage of development pretty much forever, and it seemed like a recipe for disaster. But now we have our first look at Wonder Woman, courtesy of Entertainment Weekly, and it looks...pretty great.

There are, of course, questions of practicality. The wardrobe doesn't exactly seem battle-ready, but Palicki certainly looks the role, and the costume whole-heartedly embraces the cheesy, comic-booky nature of the design. I'm glad we've finally pushed into an age when comic book characters onscreen can look like they actually came from a comic book.

Sure, she has pants instead of underwear, but let's have some sort of modesty here, people. Those bracelets are pretty awesome, though - I can easily buy that they'd ricochet bullets all over the place.

Now, the big question is if the series will be any good. I haven't heard the best about David E. Kelly's pilot, and Wonder Woman as a concept should be a huge universe, one much larger than we're used to seeing on TV. But TV sets are getting bigger, so hopefully the shows themselves will grow, too.