Finally... The 'Liz & Dick' Trailer Hits!

Finally... The 'Liz & Dick' Trailer Hits! Oh, man oh man oh man! It’s finally here!

The “Liz and Dick” promotional trailer has hit, and, for all I love to poke fun at the concept, it actually looks fairly decent. That is, more than likely, due to the fact that Lindsay Lohan gets about one and a half lines in the entire thing. But hey, do what’s got to be done to pull in viewers, right?

“They drink, they fight, they fornicate!” announces an off-screen voice, referring to Lohan and her on-screen love interest, “True Blood” actor Grant Bowler. Bowler plays Richard Burton, the stormy lover and multiple-times husband of Elizabeth Taylor.

Hey, all good things—color me intrigued.

In the trailer we’re treated to a whole lot of Lohan quick-shots and not much else. Costumes, good. Make-up, good. Lohan posing with her signature fake smile? Check.

“God, that woman knows how to make an entrance,” Bowler drawls in his best Richard Burton.

To be fair, Lohan’s few lines are delivered passably well, although the camera flashes around so quickly I’m not always sure if it’s Lohan or Bowler speaking. We know enough about the movie already at this point to admit that Lohan put legitimate effort into the role, even driving herself to the point of exhaustion, so will her desire for a come-back translate on-screen in this pivotal role?

Can Lohan and Bowler capture the steamy essence of the passionate couple?

Here’s hoping. But if not, I’m still happy to tune in for the lush fashion, and because, in my heart of hearts, I know that somewhere within this long-awaited Lifetime movie there exists a truly amazing drinking game just waiting to be discovered.