'Family Guy' Season 11, Episode 16: 'Turban Cowboy' Recap

'Family Guy'  Season 11, Episode 16: 'Turban Cowboy' RecapFamily Guy”, season 11, episode 16, “Turban Cowboy”

The guys gather at the Clam and discuss their plans for the weekend, revealing that they are getting old and boring. Joe proposes that they do something exciting to shake things up. Peter suggests they rob a Mafia poker game… or go skydiving. They seem excited to try skydiving.

On the plane, they eagerly await a chance to jump, and as Harrison Ford throws them off the plane, they enjoy the thrill. Peter proposes a new bet, last person to open their chute gets $20. Joe wins.

Later that evening, Lois asks the kids if they’ve heard from Peter. They haven’t, but he calls at that moment. He tells Lois to pull out his chair ever so slightly, and he comes crashing down through the roof, landing on Meg.

Invigorated by the jump, he continues to skydive, crashing through various buildings, and even crashes a game of Angry Birds. Lois expresses her concerns, fearing he’ll hurt himself since he’s already destroyed half the neighborhood.

Ignoring her, Peter goes for another jump, displaying graceful movements through the air. He is moved to create poetry as he falls through the air. He forgets to pull his cord and gets impaled (in the butt) by the Eifel Tower replica in Vegas.

In the hospital, Lois gives him an “I told you so speech”. She leaves, and Peter talks to his hospital roommate, Mahmoud, a Muslim. They get along well.

In The Clam, Peter tells Joe and Quagmire about his stay in the hospital, and tells them about Mahmoud. As he’s telling them, he walks in the bar and joins them at the table. Quagmire asks him some sexual questions, and he dismisses them, since he’s married. They offer to buy him alcohol, but he denies it in favor of ginger ale.

As he goes to the restroom, Joe and Quagmire express how weird they find him. Brian talks down to them about being racist.

Peter visits Mahmoud at The Chaste Camel, a hookah lounge, and Mahmoud teaches Peter about the Muslim culture. Peter says he has to leave to run an errand, but Mahmoud has his wife do it, since they have to be obedient. Peter, seeing this, says that he wants to become a Muslim.

Decked out in Muslim clothing, Lois asks what he’s doing and where he’s going dressed like he is, and he tells her he’s a Muslim now.

Mahmoud introduces Peter to his friend Omar, who teaches him how to ululate.

Back at home, Peter tells Lois he’s going to the Bazaar, and Lois asks if he can pick some things up for her. Instead of getting what she needed, he returns with a bag of cobras, a roll of silk, and many bags of dates. She brushes it off and assumes this is just another of Peter’s phases.

Back at The Chaste Camel, Mahmoud invites Peter to a get-together happening in the back room. The man aren’t happy to see a stranger in their midst. Mahmoud has them give him a test, and he passes. Mahmoud, as an aside, mentions that Peter is the perfect man to help them blow up the Quahog Bridge.

In The Clam, Peter tells the guys he feels bad for Mahmoud, since 19 of his friends died on 9/11, and Joe says that Peter has joined a terrorist sleeper cell. To prove them wrong, Peter tries to call Mahmoud, and each time he dials the number, there is a distant explosion. They tell him to stop. Peter realizes that they could be terrorists, and Quagmire says that all Muslims are terrorists, but Joe corrects him saying that all religions and cultures have their share of bad people and to not be so racist.

Peter says he needs to go find him and tell him they can’t be friends, but Joe says that since Peter’s on the inside, they might be able to stop an act of terror.

They outfit Peter with a wire and camp outside The Chaste Camel in their surveillance van, and send him in. Inside, Mahmoud and his group go over their plans to blow up the bridge.

They discover Peter wearing a wire, and push the attack to start now. They hold him at gunpoint and have him drive the van of explosives to the bridge. Mahmoud has him pull over, and he sets up the bomb. Peter tries to reason with him, but Mahmoud won’t be convinced. He goes to trigger the bomb, but Joe shows up just in time and stops him.

Mahmoud gets arrested, and Joe says 30 others have been stopped as well. Joe suggests they go to The Clam to celebrate. Peter says he’s going to call Horace, the owner, to get their table set up. As he dials the number, it triggers the bomb in the van, and destroys the bridge. They flee.