Family Guy: Season 11, Episode 22: 'Roads to Vegas' Recap

Family Guy: Season 11, Episode 22: 'Roads to Vegas' RecapFamily Guy”, season 11, episode 22, “Roads to Vegas”

Quahog celebrates its Pride day, and after the festive Gay Pride Parade, Brian discovers that he has won tickets to see Celine Dion in Las Vegas. Brian invites Stewie to join him, and Stewie graciously accepts.

As they prepare for their flight to Vegas, Stewie tells Brian that he has been working on a teleportation device, and they can just teleport to Vegas instantly rather than fly. Brian agrees, and they try out the machine, however it doesn’t seem to work. Stewie assumes that there are still bugs to work out, and the pair of them leaves for the airport. However, the machine does work, but instead of just teleporting it, it also created copies of Brian and Stewie who appear in Vegas.

The pair that decided to fly find that the airplane is packed, and they are rather miserable. But the pair that were teleported seem to have luck on their side, checking in to the hotel with no issue, and striking the big jackpot on a slot machine.

When the flying pair finally arrives in Vegas, they find they cannot check into their hotel as their other selves have already checked in. Brian decides to try the slot machine, and it just eats his money. The teleported pair enjoys the Las Vegas life with their jackpot winnings, complete with fine dining and Vegas shows, while the flying pair is forced to check into a 1-star hotel. Wanting to try their luck again, the flying pair heads into the crummy hotel’s casino, quickly managing to lose all of their money (that Brian stole from Lois’ purse).

When it is time for the Celine Dion concert, the teleported Brian and Stewie are ushered in via the VIP line. When the flying pair get to the ticket checker, he informs them that their tickets are invalid. Dejected, Brian tells Stewie they should just go home. However, Stewie has gambled away their plane tickets. Stewie suggests they call Lois, but Brian says he can’t, since he stole all that money from her. A man overhears their problems and says that he has a sure bet for them. They borrow money from a loan shark in order to bet on the basketball game they got the tip about, but they end up losing.

The flying pair realize they are screwed, but on the other side of the booth are the teleported pair, enjoying the high life. When the luckier pair goes to leave, teleported Stewie inadvertently grabs flying Stewie’s empty backpack, leaving his cash-filled backpack behind. The flying Stewie unknowingly grabs that money-filled one, and the four of them leave.

As the teleported pair return to their room, one of the loan sharks spots them. He calls his boss and says that their strutting around in suits and that he’s going to get the money from them, no matter what. In their room, they sip on champagne. There’s a knock at the door, and the man barges in. He draws a gun on them, and demands the money. They don’t have it, so he shoots Stewie in the head, killing him. He tells Brian to get them the money tomorrow, or he’s next.

When the flying pair return to their hole of a hotel room, they begin to give up hope, waiting for the loan sharks to hunt them down. Stewie suggests that they just kill themselves. Brian is eventually convinced to do it. The two of them walk out to the edge of the balcony, and countdown to jump. Stewie chickens out at the last second, and Brian falls to his death. As Stewie flees the room, he grabs his backpack and finds it full of money.

The next morning, Stewie goes to the bus station and buys a ticket back home. He overhears Brian ordering a ticket as well. They are initially confused, but Stewie realized what happened; they were somehow duplicated. Stewie asks what happened to his clone, and Brian asks the same, so they make up stories on what happened. They agree to head home.

Meanwhile, their dead clones meet in heaven, not too happy to see each other.