Family Guy: Season 11, Episode 19: 'Total Recall' Recap

Family Guy: Season 11, Episode 19: 'Total Recall' RecapFamily Guy”, season 11, episode 19, “Total Recall”

Peter comes down with an illness, causing his voice to sound deep and scratchy, akin to Christian Bale in Batman. Lois can’t get enough of the voice and uses it to rekindle their romance.

Eventually, Peter recovers and his voice goes back to normal, much to Lois’ chagrin. He excuses himself to go bowling, as there is a bowling tournament coming up for him, Joe, and Quagmire. When he gets back, he realizes that he and Lois aren’t intimate anymore. Brian helps him realize that she loved the voice. Peter concludes that he needs to get himself sick again if he and Lois are to get it on.

Cue a montage of Peter doing all sorts of things to try and get sick, including licking a fork that was used by Lindsay Lohan. He eventually comes down with a serious illness, landing himself in the hospital. He is too sick to take part in the bowling tournament, and he begs Lois to take his place.

At the tournament, Lois proves herself to Joe and Quagmire by winning them the tournament. They take her to the bar afterwards to celebrate. She asks how they usually celebrate, and they say that they typically talk about sex. She takes part, and they realize how cool she is.

Later on, Joe mentions that he has baseball tickets to a Red Sox game, and asks that Lois go with him and Quagmire. Peter walks into the bar, and asks if he can go, too, but Joe says that they asked Lois.

After the game, Peter confronts Lois, accusing her of stealing his friends, pointing out that it’s very hard for him to make friends. So Peter and Lois go hang out with Joe and Quagmire, but Peter can’t stand that Lois is there with them, really jealous of Lois’ relationship with them. He storms out of the bar.

Later that night, Lois tells Peter that she understands that he’s jealous, and she’ll stop hanging out with them if it makes him feel better. Joe and Quagmire knock on the door and invite Lois and Peter out to the roller derby, and Lois excuses herself from their outing so that Peter can have fun with his friends.


The company that made Stewie’s favorite stuffed bear Rupert has issued a mass recall, as the eyes of the bear can easily fall off and get lodged in the throat. Lois sends Rupert back to the factory, but no one tells Stewie.

When Stewie tries to find Rupert in his room, Brian informs him that Rupert was sent back, and that the company has sent a replacement stuffed giraffe instead. Stewie isn’t happy.

The next day, Stewie asks Brian to drive him to the company headquarters (in exchange for Stewie’s secret on picking up chicks) so that he can find Rupert. Brian agrees to take him.

When they get to the factory, they join in a tour and sneak away into the recall room. Inside, Stewie and Brian find literally thousands of Rupert. However, Stewie isn’t content with just any, he needs his Rupert. As Stewie laments, going through each bear and not finding his bear, Brian tries to convince Stewie to cherish the memories he had with the bear because nothing lasts forever.

They hear a noise in another room, and rush in to see a conveyor belt dropping recalled toys into an incinerator. Stewie spots his Rupert on the belt, and rushes to save him. Stewie climbs onto the belt and grabs Rupert just in time before he falls into the burner, but now he’s stuck and needs Brian’s help.

Brian uses various recalled toys to try and save Stewie from falling into the incinerator, but each toy backfires (they’re recalled for a reason). Finally, Brian just shoves a pogo stick into the gears for the conveyor belt, causing it to break. Stewie hugs Rupert tightly, happy they’re both alive.

Later at home in his room, Stewie hugs Rupert tightly, telling him never to leave him again… But as he does, one of the eyes pop off and lodges in his throat. Stewie chokes to death, and Chris walks in, yelling to Lois that he’s dead.