'Family Guy' Season 10, Episode 23 Recap - 'Internal Affairs'

'Family Guy' Season 10, Episode 23 Recap - 'Internal Affairs' It seems odd that season 10, a pretty big accomplishment for any show and certainly something worth celebrating, would end with an episode about Joe and Bonnie. But I guess in the absence of any more "Star Wars" movies to spoof (prequels? What prequels? I have no idea what you're talking about), they had to do something, and the "Viewer Mail" episode that preceeded this would have lacked finality.

So, here we are, watching Joe and Bonnie grow apart, with Joe tempted to cheat on her with Nora, a hot young female cop who's new to the force and very impressed with Joe's heroics. After much deliberation, and encouragement from peter and Quagmire, Joe takes Nora to his handicapped stall in the restroom, which is apparently very lavish.

Bonnie finds out about the affair and flips out, with Joe defending by citing her affair in Paris, which Peter and Quagmire told him about. When Bonnie reveals that she never actually slept with her Frenchman, Joe feels bad, but the two still have a massive fight that leads to divorce.

We get the origin story of how Joe and Bonnie met, which apparently happened in a strip club: Joe burst in on a call, and Bonnie was working there as a stripper, and a lap dance ensued. Love at first sight and whatnot. Hearing that, Peter decides to get them back together be recreating their meeting, complete with "Africa" by Toto. It does the trick, because "Africa" by Toto always does the trick.

There's a big question about the vase-throwing reference, as the music video for "Africa" doesn't have anyone throwing any vases (the video did get million views following this episode though). As far as I know, there aren't any other Toto videos that feature a vase being thrown at a wall in slow motion, and since that was such a common trope in 1980's music videos, I couldn't tell you where to start looking if it's not from a Toto video. My advice would be to send your tweets to Seth MacFarlane and see if you can get an answer. If I figure it out, I'll update here, because I know it has a lot of people wondering right now.

Maybe it's not from anywhere, and Seth is trolling us into watching the "Africa" video. Is Toto the new Rick Astley? Are we being Toto-rolled?

We also got the latest epic chicken fight, which runs about 5:30, includes cloning, and travels through time and space. Plus: "Back to the Future Part III" and "The Fly" references! You can watch the whole thing below:

Cut-Aways of the Week:

- "This punk's not worth it" - B+, pretty good tag

- Muy Importanté - C, dafuq was that?

- Consuela directing traffic - B-, nice new use of Consuela, who was getting pretty boring

- Peter's CB sex - C-, potential but not much of a punchline

- Peter takes the floating slide - C-, again, not much of a punchline

- Not an exit angry gorilla - A-, delightfully odd, but minus points for possibly ripping off "Pootie Tang"

Be sure to catch-up on all Family Guy full episodes here.