'Family Guy' Season 10, Episode 10 Recap - 'Quagmire and Meg'

Family Guy Season 10 Episode 10 - 'Quagmire and Meg' Well, they went there. Remember a while back, when Quagmire decided to help Meg out, and it looked like he was going to seduce her, but in fact he just gave her a talk and his Shel Silverstein book? Well, this episode was like that, except he really tried to seduce her.

Yes, Meg turned 18 in "Quagmire and Meg," which means she's legal, which means Quagmire shows up to her very empty birthday party to start hitting on her. To make a long story short, the whole thing progresses to the point where Meg goes to Quagmire's sex cabin with him for the weekend, because Lois told Peter not to fight it or Meg would just rebel even more.

Along the way, we got some exceptionally creepy scenes between Q and M, including a texting scene that was uncomfortably quiet, a scene in Meg's bedroom that was thankfully saved by that hose gag, and the tickling scene on the sofa, which was a whole new level of awkward.

So the main storyline maybe wasn't the greatest (mostly because of the creepy factor), but something fun happened with the rest of the episode: it got unusually wacky. After ten seasons, it's always nice to see something new, and this episode had a tone and level of cartoonishness that was fresh.

Examples include the literal "little bird," the "Peterdactyl" (which was capped with taking care of the babies), the "not drawn yet" gag, and the story of Elaine at the end. There was just something fun about the wacky lengths they went to here.

Plus, the opening at the Teen Choice Awards could have been an easy lampooning of Justin Bieber or "Twilight," but instead turned into a great gag involving the name Chad (or Chad Chadinson) and Wilfred Brimley taking a shotgun to everyone on stage.

Was it the cleanest, most clever episode ever? Not by a longshot. But it almost feels like the writers have given up to a point where rather than having the show suffer from their exasperation of ten seasons of writing, it might soon reach a whole new height with this freedom of wackiness.

Or it could completely tank. Who knows.

Bonus points this episode for the featuring of the lately underused Lois, who had a funny bit about "War Games" and make me chuckle with signing the guestbook.

Cut-aways of the week:

-Giving names of people whose butts I kick to other people whose butts I kick: B, sounds confusing, but a funny end to it

-Lois' stomach pumping: B-, was saved by the "SUNY...something"

-That guy's Spartacus: C, a little too easy

-Mexico!!: B-, another wacky one that I enjoyed the button on

-"The Princess Bride": B-, not much of a joke there but any reference to that movie is a good reference

-"Not drawn yet"/Poking the artist with a stick: A-, the stick really made this one. Very Monty Python-esque

Overall the cut-aways were a little quiet this week, most of the best stuff came from the situations. "South Park" would be proud.