Facebook App Lets You Star in Your Own 'True Blood' Video With Your Friends

Facebook App Lets You Star in Your Own 'True Blood' Video With Your Friends Technology can do a lot of amazing things nowadays, including giving you a role in a "True Blood" promo video without you having to get up from your desk. You can even bring your friends!

In anticipation of the season four premiere (June 26th is ever so close), "True Blood" teamed up with Facebook to put together one of the coolest promotional applications I've seen in a long while.

If you "like" the show on its Facebook page (let's face it, you probably already do) and click on the "Immortalize" tab, the application will automatically assemble a video that features your profile picture, name, location, and the profile pics of a number of your friends. Oh, and you appear in the opening credits too!

The video takes you through a scene at Fangtasia as Eric goes through a list of missing persons and tries to contact you for help. You're then taken to Merlotte's, where you get some more dialogue and more photos of missing persons that Jason is out to find.

The results can be eerily realistic, or unintentionally hilarious. The latter is doubly true if you have Facebook friends that like to put weird stuff as their profile picture, instead of just a picture of their face. My video, for example, listed Superman as a missing person.

It's only randomized the first time through, so if you didn't like your results you'll get the chance to try it again, pick the friends you want to appear in the video, and share the result on your Wall. After all, this is Facebook...so chances are a random selection of friends might include some "missing persons" that you didn't even recognize in the first place.

Head over to the "True Blood" Facebook page and check it out!