Was Evangeline Lilly Abused on 'Lost' Set?

Was Evangeline Lilly Abused on 'Lost' Set?

Another story of an on-set stunt coordinator treating actors in an unsafe and abusive manner has emerged, this one involving Evangeline Lilly on the set of Lost years ago. Lilly claims that the coordinator intentionally put her in a situation that injured her because he was angry with her.

Via Page Six.

Evangeline Lilly, who stars as the Wasp in Marvel’s upcoming “Ant-Man and the Wasp,” revealed that she flayed the skin off both of her forearms during a stunt that went wrong several years ago on the set of “Lost.” “There were open wounds, pus-y and oozing,” she said during a panel discussion Wednesday night on the Fox lot about women in the stunt business. “I looked like a mutant. My mom said, ‘You’ll never be able to wear an evening gown again!’”

Lilly also made it clear that the accident was no accident, accusing an unnamed stunt coordinator — who she described as “misogynistic” — of punishing her for defying his wish to have a stuntwoman do the stunt. It involved rolling off a thick tree branch high above the ground and hanging on for dear life, though there was no risk of falling because she was safely harnessed to the branch.

Lilly said she asked to have moleskin – a light fabric used to prevent abrasions – wrapped around her forearms, but the coordinator said no. “They’ll see it,” he said, though she was sure it wouldn’t show on screen. So she did the stunt bare-armed – over and over and over again. And each time the rough bark ripped off more of her skin. And after each take, New Skin – a liquid-bandage brand – was painfully applied to the wounds, and then the coordinator would send her back up the tree to do it again and again and again, each time more painful than the last.

“I felt it was him saying, ‘I’m going to put you in your place for standing up to me,’” she said. “It was either cow to his power or hurt myself. I was in my 20s then. Now, I would probably back down.”

Get the rest of the story at Page Six.

Do you think Evangeline was mistreated on the Lost set? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.