Evan Rachel Wood Offers Advice to 'Stranger Things' Star

Evan Rachel Wood Offers Advice to 'Stranger Things' Star

Evan Rachel Wood told Millie Bobby Brown she’s better off licking a toilet seat than reading negative comments online.

Wood said, while talking with Brown on Variety‘s “Actors on Actors,” that the piece of advice originally came from Selma Blair. During the interview, the “Stranger Things” and “Westworld” stars discussed how to handle criticism.

Brown said she gets plenty of advice from random people, and asked Wood for her sage advice.

“Make sure you love what you do. Be an actor not because you want to, but because you have to, because it’s your passion,” she said. She continued that it becomes more difficult as one gets older because the criticism comes more frequently and critics are able to hide behind the anonymity of the internet.

Read the rest of this article at Page Six.

Evan Rachel Wood has recently appeared in Westworld.