Episode 'The Voice' Season 1, Episode 6 - 'The Battles, Part 4' Recap

Episode  'The Voice' Season 1, Episode 6 - 'The Battles, Part 4' Recap It's down the to final round of the battle rounds, and the competitors are already chosen by default...after all, there's only two left on each team that have yet to battle it out. After the past three weeks, the teams are as follows: Dia, Patrick and Jared on Blakes's team, Raquel, Frenchie and Beverly on Christina's team, Vicci, Nakia and the Thompson sisters on Cee Lo's team and Devon, Casey and Javier on Adam's team.

Adam's remaining contestants, Jeff and Casey (the other Casey) will face off. Jeff says Casey is "crazy awesome rocker techno." She looks it. But Jeff sort of has the upper hand as he turned all four chairs during the auditions. The two will be singing Elton John's "Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me."

Adam tells Jeff that he sings a little too perfectly, and he has to marry his technique with emotion in order to bring his performance up to the maximum level.

Casey vs. Jeff: FIGHT!

By the way, Casey designs all of her own clothes. Can you tell?

Jeff starts the song off, and elicits a "wow" from Blake. Both of them turn in strong performances...it almost even seems like Jeff is getting a little pitchy, but that might just be a result of his vocal style. I doubt there's any way Adam's going to to go with Casey over Jeff, his voice is too interesting.

Reba says she couldn't take her eyes off of Jeff the whole time, but Blake was watching Casey. Cee Lo goes with Jeff, Christina doesn't take sides (as usual). Adam notes that Casey has an amazing voice, and he's right...her tone is pretty great. I think it lacks the oomph that will give her Adam's nod, though.

Commercials, commercials...and finally, Adam's decision. Sure enough, he says that there's "just something mind-blowing" about Jeff, and goes with him.

Winner: Jeff!

Team Blake has Xenia and Sara left, both of them very soft-spoken and shy, and they're going to be singing "I'll Stand By You." Big song for two small personalities. And small people, too. Seriously, Blake looks like the country version of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar next to them.

Blake notes that he'll be looking for their personalities to come out during the song, hence the choice. During their sit-down, Xenia bursts into tears when Blake tells her that she's good, which is really sweet but not a great sign for her confidence.

Sara vs. Xenia: FIGHT!

The two girls start off soft, then try to build with the song, but can't quite get there. They're definitely both still very shy. Sara gets a little pitchy, and Xenia has some weak spots as well, but Xenia's tone is much more interesting.

The judges all agree that the two seemed nervous and a bit shaky, and got a little off-pitch. Adam notes that this probably wasn't the best choice of song for them, and Blake agrees, but notes that "the music industry is tough." Blake eventually goes with Xenia, which is probably the right choice to make...but the 16-year-old singer had better find some confidence soon, or she'll be outta here.

Winner: Xenia

The remaining contestants on Christina's team are Lily and Cherie, who will be singing "Since U Been Gone," which is a great choice to test out their pipes. Christina notes that as a pop song, it takes the country-friendly Cherie and the soul-friendly Lily to meet in the middle. It's also a song that's always annoyed me with its spelling. Why the U? Is Kelly Clarkson  making a commentary on the breakdown of language and writing in the internet age? Or did whichever old guy working for the label who wrote this song decide that the kids would love it?

Lily actually hits that crazy Kelly Clarkson note during the bridge, even though she has some trouble getting there. If she nails it like that during performance, she's probably got it in the bag.

Lily vs. Cherie: FIGHT!

It starts off with Lily's father trying to pretend to not be really uncomfortable about how his daughter is dressed. Seriously, she's giving Christina a run for her money. The girls sing the song well and are entertaining enough, but Cherie's dad is the real star here. He looks like he's watching a boxing match. Lily doesn't quite nail the high note.

Um, so apparently Cherie co-wrote a number one hit song with Reba. What?! Anyway, the judges find it tough to take sides in this one. Cherie might have performed a bit better, but Lily brought a lot of attitude, and Christina notes she looks like a "hot mama." I concur. Christina ultimately chooses Lily, and Lily's dad will have to fret about his daughter's outfits for at least another week.

Winner: Lily

Cee Lo's remaining two are Emily Valentine and Curtis Grimes. Emily says that she and Curtis have been "really close on the friend...side...of the competition..." Yeah, that means they're totally doing it. Right? Right.

Lady Antebellum's "Need You Now" is Cee Lo's choice for the two, a song that he thinks will even the playing field. Not sure how that is...Curtis is a country boy, while Emily sang "Sober." Emily says it's tough to not get lost in Curtis' "cute inflections," and says she has a "little crush on Curtis." Aww. She has to defeat her true love.

Another shocker: Monica came up with the idea for the "Whyyyyy?" part of "F*** You." We're learning so many fun facts tonight!

Emily vs. Curtis: Fight!

The song starts a little low for both singers. Emily ends up coming out a little stronger, but that means we hear the slight flaws in her performance a lot easier than we do for Curtis. And they totally make out at the end! Cee Lo's face is priceless. And these two are totally doing it.

Blake makes a classic duet/do it pun. Nice, Blake. Adam is jealous of Curtis' baritone, as Adam sings like a girl. Cee Lo eventually goes with Curtis, and I guess that's that for this blossoming romance. See, now this is the difference between "American Idol" and "The Voice." If there's a couple on "Idol," it's all hush-hush. On here, they let their contestants run free, and it can be a lot of fun. If not for us, then at least for the contestants. And their hanky-panky. Naughty.

Winner: Curtis

That completes the battle rounds, and starting next Tuesday, the shows will be live. I guess we're about to see just how funny and charming these judges are when they don't have the help of an editor.

The final teams are as follows:

Team Adam: Javier Colon, Casey Weston, Devon Barley and Jeff Jenkins

Team Cee Lo: Nakia, Vicci Martinez, Tori & Taylor Thompson and Curtis Grimes

Team Christina: Beverly McClellan, Frenchie Davis, Raquel Castro and Lily Elise

Team Blake: Jared Blake, Patrick Thomas, Dia Frampton and Xenia Martinez

Adam may have the strongest team, if anything just because he has Javier. Devon and Casey are both solid, and Jeff consistently wows the judges. Blake could be in trouble with the very shy Xenia and Dia, even though the two of them have great voices. Patrick is fine, but Jared is a two-time auditioner who barely got in. Blake should've gone with Tyler!