Episode 'The Voice' Season 1, Episode 4 - 'The Battles, Part 2' Recap

Episode  'The Voice' Season 1, Episode 4 - 'The Battles, Part 2' Recap Tje and Nakia, from Cee Lo's team, are the first two to face off this week and are singing Ne-Yo's "Closer." Nakia thinks the song is "tailor-made" for Tje's voice, but Tje thinks that Nakia could have the upper hand since he's such a character and people might not expect him to sing a song like "Closer."

Tje vs. Nakia: FIGHT!

Tje leads things off and takes a smooth, R&B approach to the song while Nakia comes in with an aggresive, growly approach. When they really start going head-to-head with their improvisations and runs, it gets pretty serious. This one will be tough to call for Cee Lo..

Adam and Blake both say that they think Nakia took it, while Christina says Tje is a "nice package." Eventually, Cee Lo goes with Nakia (or "Kia" as he is now called).

Winner: Nakia

For Blake's team, Jared Blake and Elenowen are going head-to-head (to head?) and singing "Ain't No Mountain High Enough." Elenowen, if you forgot, are that annoying husband and wife duo, and they're already being gross: "It's easier to sing a song about love when you have your husband next to you." Jared was one of the lucky few who got a second audition and was chosen. Now, he's unlucky to have to go up against a duo. Reba tells him that he has to vie for the audience's attention.

Jared vs. Elenowen: FIGHT!

Jared starts things off, and gurgles his way through the first verse with his Gavin Rossdale vocal style. Elenowen does their thing, nothing special. Blake was right that the three of them don't blend well. Christina notes that Jared really sold it, and the other two judges don't choose sides. Blake notes that he was once begging Elenowen to be on his team...but he decides that Jared took it today. Elenowen is gone (thank god) and I guess are going back to live in their parents' basement.

Winner: Jared

Adam's team is the next to compete, and Javier will go up against Angela. Angela, who was a second-chancer, is nervous about going up against Javier, who is probably the best singer in the entire competition. They'll be singing "Stand By Me," a simple song probably chosen purposefully by Adam to pull Javier back a bit. During rehearsals, Adam does give Javier the note to be disciplined and keep it simple.

Javier vs. Angela: FIGHT!

Javier starts off, and doesn't seem to have taken the note to keep things simple. Lucky for him, Angela isn't very good. She's cute, but that doesn't earn you points here. Carson calls their performance "warm and battle-y," as they really played the intention of the song. There was hand-holding.

Blake notes how pretty Angela is, but how he couldn't stop watching Javier because he's so good. I think that about sums it up...sure enough, Adam goes with Javier. Angela had a good run, considering she got eliminated the first time around.

Winner: Javier (duh)

Christina chooses Beverly and Justin, and gives them "Baba O'Riley" by The Who...that's the "Teenage Wasteland" song. Beverly was hard to forget, but I had to be reminded who Justin was...he sang a Train song. That explains it. Beverly is very comfortable with the song, but Justin barely knows it, putting him at a disadvantage. That's his own fault. It's The Who, man! He seems to be doing fine with it, though.

Beverly vs. Justin: FIGHT!

Justin starts it off, and actually sounds pretty good. Beverly rocks it, but might be doing a bit too much. She also botches the harmony a little bit. Justin stays strong, but has a pretty awkward run at the end. Beverly definitely put more energy into the performance, which might help her.

Cee Lo says "Bev's my girl," and Adam says that he thought that Beverly was going to "murderize" him, but Justin held his own. Blake agrees. Christina mentions how well Justin did, but eventually goes with Beverly. Not a huge surprise there.

Winner: Beverly