Episode 'The Voice' Season 1, Episode 10 - 'Results Show' Recap

Episode  'The Voice' Season 1, Episode 10 - 'Results Show' Recap Last night provided eliminations from Team Adam and Team Cee Lo to narrow it down to eight semifinalists, who then performed. The judges' scores will combine with the audience vote to determine who goes home tonight...by the end of this result show, only four will be left.

Carson starts things off by telling us that all eight finalists are charting. I don't think he should be sharing that kind of personal information with us. Oh, he means they're in the top 100 on iTunes. Well...good for them.

The eight semifinalists come out for a George Michael mash-up of "Faith" and "Freedom," the first mash-up of the show. It feels kinda dirty, like they're taking the idea from "American Idol." But the talent on the stage is undeniable. It'll be a shame to see any of these guys go home tonight. Except maybe Casey. She can go.

Alison Haislip tells us who's trending, because apparently we don't know how to check Twitter. What do you suppose those two girls are doing on those laptops behind the Sprint counter? I like to think they're playing World of Warcraft.

The first results of the night will be from Team Cee Lo, which is the only one I'm up in the air about. Both Nakia and Vicci are strong performers, though Vicci might have moved ahead with last night's "Florence and the Machine" performance. Nakia gives a tearful thank you to his boyfriend, who is in the audience, and Vicci gives a tearful hello to her mom. Cee Lo makes a short speech about the troops coming home, which is nice but out of place. Then he reads a poem. No really, he reads a poem.

Cee Lo's scoring out of 100 gives 51 to Nakia and 49 to Vicci, only because he couldn't hear Vicci over the drums when he was sitting so close to the stage. The audience score is added in, and it looks like Cee Lo's score didn't matter much...Vicci won by a landslide, 124 to 76. Don't ask me how the math works, but I think that's probably the right choice.

Cee Lo takes the stage to perform "Bright Lights, Bigger City," and like all Cee Lo performances so far, it includes a hilarious wig. Also, lots of bubbles. Cee Lo is having a great time waving his hair around, which Adam thinks is hilarious. The big man rocks it as usual.

We're treated to a video of Team Adam meeting up with Gym Class Heroes, which confuses me greatly for a second. Why is Gym Class Heroes on here? They're still a band? Then it all becomes clear: Adam is singing on one of their new tracks. Adam and Carson assure us that the meet-up was completely unplanned.

That leads to the Team Adam results. It's pretty obvious that Javier is going to win out here. Casey seems resigned to that fact too, and after Javier tears up when talking about his family, becomes the only contestant not to cry thus far tonight. She might be crying now, after we see Adam's scores: 65 for Javier and 35 for Casey. He says he "had to advance him [Javier]," thus the harsh scores. It's probably not necessary, since the audience vote is almost guaranteed to go Javier's way. Sure enough, Javier wins 138 to 62, but Adam makes sure to give Casey and big hug and tell her that she's going to have a great career.

Team Blake totally gets a better deal than the other contestants, as they fly to Cincinnati with him, perform at a concert, and get some electric guitars with a pink camo paint job. It's time for their results now...it's almost a lock that it'll be Dia, even though Xenia's plenty talented. Xenia doesn't cry, but Dia does. That brings the cry count to four criers, two driers.

Blake's score is 50-50 between the two of them. It's not surprising since Blake has been a papa bear to the two of them. But the audience has loved Dia all along, so their vote should go her way. Sure enough, it does, but it's close: 106 to 94. If anyone can take down Javier, it's probably going to be Dia.

Team Christina is up next for their results, with their golden pipes and shiny heads. Beverly is already crying, and Frenchie is always crying, so that means everyone has been in tears tonight except for Casey and Xenia. At least they exited with dignity.

One more awkward speech from Christina before we see her scores: 50 to 50, just like with Blake. Christina explains that the two of them are so unique that comparing the two is apples and oranges. The audience score brings it to 107 to 93, in Beverly's favor.

So, our four finalists are Javier, Dia, Vicci and Beverly.

Hey, all of my predictions from last night came true! I'll be on the Santa Monica Pier reading palms tomorrow if anyone needs me.

Oh, and Dia is crying again.