Episode 'South Park' Season 15, Episode 4 - 'T.M.I.' Recap

Episode  'South Park' Season 15, Episode 4 - 'T.M.I.' Recap The beginning of last night's "South Park" tells you exactly what kind of episode you're in for, even if the title doesn't. So if you haven't seen it yet, be warned: the subject matter is a bit explicit. But also very scientific.

When Cartman sees a poster in the hallway listing the height differentials of all of the boys over the past year, Cartman misinterprets the results as measurements of something else entirely...namely, the "wiener sizes" of all of the boys in the class.

That prompts Cartman, whose number is smaller than everyone else's, to re-measure everyone and put up a new poster.

But of course, this is "South Park," so the issue has to end up being blown up to a national scale. We find our way there through Cartman's anger management therapy, in which it's revealed that having a small penis is the source of every case of chronic anger. It's also the reason for the Tea Party.

When Randy (who is arguably the funniest character on this show) comes in to talk to the children, he introduces them to the T.M.I measurement, a complicated formula using length, girth, angle, and other factors to give a new measurement.

But when the Surgeon General comes in to provide a corrected formula, Randy freaks out and leads the anger management group on a rampage, targeting the government by taking over a FedEx office.

The episode was really just an excuse to give Tea Party members (and "Birthers" and others getting inordinately upset about silly things) what-for. And insult their penis sizes. But the highlights included Cartman having a true Cartman moment, the likes of which we haven't seen since "I made you eat your parents."

What they're trying to tell us: Tea Party members have small penises and FedEx isn't part of the government. Also, stop getting angry about stupid stuff, or we'll make fun of your wang.