Episode 'South Park' Season 15, Episode 2 - 'Funnybot' Recap

Episode  'South Park' Season 15, Episode 2 - 'Funnybot' Recap "South Park" apparently had beef about Comedy Central's first annual Comedy Awards, as the ceremony was lampooned last night at the beginning of the episode. "An award show just about comedy seems like a really bad idea," says Stan. Plus, since it's being put on by the special ed department, it's mandatory (interpret that as you will).

The purpose of the intro is twofold: one, we determine that the Germans are the least funny people in the world (the Germans, the Japanese and the Yupik Eskimos were all nominated), and the "South Park" writers get a chance to make fun of Tyler Perry and his lack of any jokes other than saying "Good afternoont." Seriously, that was on a billboard? Token thinks it's hilarious though...a running gag that keeps its legs throughout the episode.

The Germans attack the school, and reveal their "Funnybot," a robot that tells jokes. It's a big it with the kids. And it totally looks like a Dalek. Nice one, "South Park" animators!

Everything seems fixed until the comedians who are now out of work because of Funnybot come in and take the school hostage. South Park Elementary is having a rough week. Having Tyler Perry around doesn't help either.

Funnybot ends up being out to end all life on Earth, and most definitely a Dalek. The whole thing is a set-up to show the "South Park" view of the Comedy Awards: that is, if you take comedy seriously, then it's not comedy anymore.

The payoff: Tyler Perry is sealed under a layer of concrete. The nightmare is over. And check out how quickly they added in that extra Obama stuff after the Bin Laden news on Sunday!

What they're trying to tell us:

The Comedy Awards are stupid.