Episode Robot Chicken Season 5, Episode 9 - 'No Country for Old Dogs' Recap

Episode  Robot Chicken Season 5, Episode 9 - 'No Country for Old Dogs' Recap A friend of mine was just complaining to me the other day that "Robot Chicken" doesn't reference anything current or timely, and that everything dates back to at least the 1980's. I say that's ridiculous! I'm sure we'll have plenty of current, topical references in today's episode. Starting with...
…a "Short Circuit" reference. Never mind. Who cares, it's still funny and the 80's were awesome, no matter what anyone says.
Good lord what is Batman doing in that car with those children?
Morgan Freeman is here to narrate his car accident and tell us about the Nissan Maxima.
Oh…that poor kid. Everybody, when you get a chance, please donate to the "Kids Who Have Seen Their Parents Jerking Off" fund.
Hey, remember in "Superman II" when Supes gives up his powers? What was up with that? Well, RC has your answer, and a second Batman reference for you. Also, I think I'm going to start saying "Boo-do-do-boo-do-boop. Superman!" whenever I do something awesome.
Johnny 5 is still having trouble with those stairs.
The "Most Improbable Mash-Up" award goes to this sketch combining "Diff'rent Strokes" with "Taken". 
Okay, the "Darkest Sketch" award goes to the kidney one. Good lord. Wait. No. Maybe it goes to the conclusion of the Johnny 5 bit? Tough call. I feel depressed.
In what I'm assuming is a "Veggie Tales" reference, we're treated to a totally politically-charged sketch that probably just started with one of the writers saying "hey, let's put a condom on a banana."
Hey, here's a reference from the past couple of years! "Inglourious Retardz". Uh…good? Maybe we just should have stuck with the 80's.
Bonus point go to this episode for referencing Seth Green's recent appearance in the incomprehensible movie "Old Dogs."