Episode Robot Chicken Season 5, Episode 8 - 'Schindler's Bucket List' Recap

Episode  Robot Chicken Season 5, Episode 8 - 'Schindler's Bucket List' Recap This week's Robot Chicken episode is titled "Schindler's Bucket List." Consider the envelope pushed.

This one opens up with a winner: Bass with a bass. Yeah, that's a fish playing a bass guitar. Sometimes it's the simple things that are the funniest, folks.

Next up, a quick look at how exactly Jason manages to catch up to his victims. I've always wondered…

Quick "what are you doing with my kid" gag, then we're treated to a staring at boobs joke with the creepy eyeball guy from Pan's Labyrinth. RC reaches all the way back to 2006 for that one. Timely. Funny though.

Now to the roast of Cobra Commander, where Storm Shadow effectively insults the entirety of Cobra. Even though he's an impostor, I still imagine that's sort of what Storm Shadow acted like behind the scenes. He's a dude who knew exactly how awesome he was.

Hilarious Stratego sketch, which covers all the reasons why that game is ridiculous and frustrating.

The Strawberry Shortcake gang returns for a "Bitch Pudding" extravaganza in the next bit. Then, get ready for one of the strangest Robot Chicken sketches you've ever seen, which includes the reprise of the ant-man on the plane. What just happened?

The episode finishes up with an epic Muppet murder mystery. We're even going back to Muppet Babies. Guest appearance by Steve Martin, but definitely not voiced by Steve Martin.

If there's one lesson you take away from this episode, let it be this: Rocklords hurt like a motherf*****.

If there are two lessons, let the second be that a bass playing a bass is hilarious.