Episode 'Gossip Girl' Season 4, Episode 20 - 'The Princesses and the Frog' Recap

Episode  'Gossip Girl' Season 4, Episode 20 - 'The Princesses and the Frog' Recap Last night's episode of "Gossip Girl" was supposed to "change the lives of the characters forever." If all goes according to plan, which it won't, then life-changing it will be.

Did anyone else see the irony in the commoner girl being swept away by the Prince? A little too Will & Kate, but thanks anyway. Reflecting upon the episode, I thought it was predictable and nowhere near as fun as last week's fashion extravaganza. That being said, I will still count the days until next week's hour-long dramafest.

We open with Blair calling her Mama to share the news of an engagement but then we travel back in time to see the proposal unfold.

Is B betrothed to Chuck Bass or Prince Louis of Monaco? My bet is on the Frenchie. Yes, speak French to me Louis, because that's really the only thing hot about you.

The Prince seems like a pushover and a I hope he never sees the throne, because this guy couldn't defend his country against a swarm of bees. He does, however, have great taste in jewelry. The canary Harry Winston sparkler gave me chills.

Speaking of chills, enter Princess Sophie, mother of Louis. This cold-hearted royal has no time or patience for the gallivanting of Upper East Sider's like Blair Waldorf.

Just before Blair heads off to meet up with her Prince she bumps into Serena. Remember last week's episode sparked a catfight that we thought would be epic. S is actually playing nice and while it seems that the tiff is over before it started, we know better. S has revenge splattered across her forehead but how will it play out? In the form of printouts from all of B's Gossip Girl scandals of course. Air that dirty laundry S, air it out for the Princess to see.

Even after the Princess tries to put the kibosh on the potential union of her son and a civilian, he convinces his mum to give Blair a chance. By give her a chance, I mean that we have to throw a party and invite several other princesses and allow everyone to judge each girl.

I have to ask, did B get a perm prior to the party or was there a crimper involved? Not a fan of her look, her dress, none of it.

While the engagement storyline took over, there were other fires to put out around the UES. Raina is still dragging out the search for her mother with the help of Nate and it is painful. Someone just tell this girl the truth. Bart Bass killed your mom. End of story.

Cousin Charlie is a stage 5 creeper and is definitely trying to get on Dan while S is preoccupied with trashing the royal wedding of her best friend. Duh. Dan wants to believe that Charlie has the best intentions; that she just wants to be friends. Yeah, and Donald Trump only wants to be Vice President. Vanessa conveniently bumps into Charlie and Dan at coffee but waits until Dan departs to make herself known. She tries to give Charlie advice on how to win Dan's heart. We'd actually be happier if Vanessa would just go away. Seriously.

You may wonder where Chuck Bass has been this episode. He's been sitting in his apartment letting his beard grow, drowning his sorrows in Johnny Walker Blue Label, of course. You can almost see the steam pouring from his ears with the perusal of each edition of the Daily News. B and Prince Louis are splashed across Page Six and every other gossip rag in the city. Chuck will not go quietly into the night with his woman on the arm of another man. His sad attempt to break up the princess party and win B back failed miserably. So he heads back to the despair of his lavish apartment.

Throughout the episode, Rufus has been trying to land a new gig as manager of an indie band, Panic.

We never do see Lily Lohan Humphrey. Perhaps she was too unstable to be on camera after finding out she may lose her househusband/butler to the music scene, again. In order to land the job Rufus tries to impress the band with dinner at the loft. Charlie takes it upon herself to order caviar and crumpets for the meeting which is an epic fail. She blames the overdone dinner party of Vanessa, saying she told Charlie to do it up real big. This little jab further drives a wedge between Dan and Vanessa and further endears Serena's cousin to the naive bookworm. How sweet. A face-to-face meeting between Charlie and Vanessa reinforces Charlie's intentions to sabotage Vanessa and win Dan.

We close with Blair admitting to Serena that she knew S threw her under the Princess Sophie bus but all is forgiven and B has a wedding to plan. Next week's preview for the final episode before the season ender shows the return of Jack Bass and a brawl of epic proportions. What has B gotten herself into?!

Watch a preview for "Shattered Bass" now: