Episode 'Glee' Season 2, Episode 21 - 'Funeral' Recap

Episode  'Glee' Season 2, Episode 21 - 'Funeral' Recap Jesse's sticking around to consult the Glee club for Nationals. This involves telling Finn that he sings and dances "like a zombie that has to poop."

Sue, meanwhile, kicked Becky off the Cheerios...when Will tries to find out why, Sue says that it's because Becky reminds her of her sister, and her sister died yesterday. That answers the question of which one of McKinley's own would be devastated by the loss of a family member this week.

It looks like Will is going to pursue his dream after all, by doing a solo tour with the New Kids on the Block and the Backstreet Boys...oh wait, that's real life. He's going to Broadway.

Finn and Kurt give Sue their condolences, and find that she's inches away from completely falling apart. That leads Finn to recruit the New Directions to help plan a funeral for Sue's sister, despite Jesse's advice to the contrary.

The auditions for the lead vocalists for Nationals begin, and Jesse's ready to Simon Cowell it up. Both Santana and Kurt give their performances and are met with scathing comments from Jesse, who appears to be living in a reality show. Kurt thinks that Jesse St. James "Jesse St. Sucks."

Mercedes rocks her song and we get some more "American Idol"-esque commentary from the two "judges." Then Rachel steps up and delivers a Streisand song with Finn in mind, which Jesse has nothing but good things to say about. Mr. Schue will weigh the results...yeah, like anyone other than Rachel will sing the solo at Nationals. You're fooling no one, "Glee."

The boys put together a Willy Wonka-themed wedding for Jean, which finally gets Sue's approval...and when she starts to give her eulogy, she breaks down and Will steps in to finish. I can already see Jane Lynch getting that Golden Globe again next year. Time for the Emmy? Possibly.

After the funeral, it's time for a shocker: Finn is breaking up with Quinn!

Sue announces that she will no longer harass the Glee club, because she's running for the U.S. House of Representatives. I'd vote for her. Luckily, her plan to route the New Directions to Libya is reversed by Terri, who finagles some first-class tickets for the club to go to New York.

Jesse put the moves on Rachel just as Finn walks in...how convenient. Mr. Schue decides that the club will be singing original songs as a group for Nationals. So, that means they have one week to write and rehearse two songs to the point that they're ready to be performed at a national competition? Yeah, that's a good idea.

Song List:

"Back to Black" - Amy Winehouse"

"Some People" - "Gypsy"

"Try a Little Tenderness" - Otis Redding

"My Man" - Barbra Streisand

"Pure Imagination" - "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory"