Episode 'Glee' Season 2, Episode 18 - 'Born This Way' Recap

Episode  'Glee' Season 2, Episode 18 - 'Born This Way' Recap Finn’s dancing has finally gotten so bad that it’s dangerous: he smacks Rachel right in the nose. That brings the doctor to the conclusion that it would be a good time for a nose job. Rachel is tempted when she learns that fixing her deviated septum might help her singing.

Will and Emma are busy scrubbing fruit when Emma says the title of a Lady Gaga song, so Will gets an idea...omg - let's do a Lady Gaga song!

Santana has a circuitous plan to become prom queen and get Brittany back, but she'll need a prom king. Her gay-dar is fully functional, and she figures out in a second what it has taken a season and a half for us to figure out: that is, Karofsky's sexual orientation. Then again, he did totally check out Sam's ass.

Will proposes this week's assignment: acceptance. Everyone will sing a song about something they don't like about themselves. Plus, they'll perform a number from the "queen of self-love," Lady Gaga. Is it me, or does "queen of self-love" sound a little inappropriate?

There's an extra twist: everyone will wear a t-shirt that has a word printed on it that represents what they don't like about themselves. Emma’s tee says “Ginger.” Huh. That's weird.

Lauren and Puck, meanwhile, are trying to take down Quinn in the prom queen race. It turns out that Lauren was a big winner on the toddler pageant circuit because she could do like, 34 pull-ups. Quinn is obviously unhappy about it, and says that it's "personal." She then goes for the rest of the episode without doing anything.

Rachel is still considering the nose job, and wants to go for Quinn's nose. Cue the "I Feel Pretty" and "Unpretty" mash-up.

Santana call out Karofsky and lays out her master plan. Looks like he'll have to do whatever she says, she has him right where she wants him: “the only straight I am is straight-up bitch.”

Finn's performance is "I Gotta Be Me," and it looks like his dangerous dancing is his problem. So can he dance now? Not really. But having Mike dance circles around him helps.

Will calls out Emma about her OCD and challenges her with a box of unwashed fruit. Man, even if you don't have OCD you still shouldn't eat unwashed fruit.

The "new" Karofsky apologizes to both Kurt and Burt, the latter of whom doesn't buy it for a second. Kurt calls out Karofsky. Lot of calling out going on today.

Anyway, Kurt's back! Yaaaay! And the Warblers are there to sing a goodbye song to him. Uh, don’t the Warblers have school to attend?

Lauren dug up some SERIOUS dirt on Quinn. She was about 40 pounds heavier, had zits, and she got a nose job. Worst of all, her name used to be Lucy! Totally not as hot a name as Quinn.  Anyway, Lauren put up posters of an old photo and now the whole school knows.

Barbara Streisand flash mob at the mall! Looks like Rachel might be reconsidering that nose job.

Emma takes 48 minutes of her 50 disinfecting the chair. After the customary "Glee" social commentary speech about mental illness, Emma gets a prescription.

Finn makes a very "awwww" gesture toward Quinn, and Quinn makes amends with Lauren. Looks like the poster might have actually helped her chances.

Brittany makes Santana a "lebanese" tee. This episode has been seriously lacking in Sue and Brittany moments. Ninety minutes of "Glee" and no one-liners? Boo, I say. Booooo!

The closing number reveals everyone's "Born This Way" t-shirts, here's a full list:

Will "Butt Chin"

Rachel "Nose"

Kurt "Likes Boys"

Mercedes "No Weave"

Tina "Brown Eyes"

Lauren "Bad Attitude"

Mike "Can't Sing"

Sam "Trouty Mouth"

Brittany "I'm With Stoopid (arrow pointing up)"

Puck "I'm With Stupid (arrow pointing down)"

Quinn "Lucy Caboose"

Finn "Can't Dance"

Artie "Four Eyes"

Emma "OCD"