Episode Family Guy Season 9, Episode 11 - 'German Guy' Recap

Episode  Family Guy Season 9, Episode 11 - 'German Guy' Recap Chris needs a hobby, as the rather gross opening minutes of this episode tell us. It's amazing how unsavory you can get without angering the censors just by using some careful wording and sight gags, isn't it?

A nice Jeff Goldblum shout-out gets us on our way, and Peter sets off with Chris to find him a hobby. A new milestone here as Herbert manages to be creepier than he has ever been.

First up is stamp collecting, which leads to a joke that probably made all stamp collectors in the viewing audience stop watching. Ouch.

Next up is drinking, which leads to a situation that is the exact same as when Meg and Lois went on spring break together…yes, we still remember that.

You can't sneak this one past us, Family Guy.

However, the transition leads to Chris discovering a puppet shop. I think we just found our hobby.

The German puppet store owner (Franz Gutentag) who looks remarkably like Herbert, charms Chris with puppets. After a rather easy "Twilight" joke at poor Kristen Stewart's expense, we find our episode's conflict: Herbert is jealous!

Herbert approaches Peter and Lois, tells them that Franz is actually a Nazi, and regales them with a story of WWII. After making light of concentration camps (that's always a good idea), Herbert finished his tale. Peter and Lois are doubtful, though.

Chris, while at Gutentag's house with Peter, stumbles upon a room full of Nazi memorabilia that proves Herbert was right. Chris and Peter are in big trouble, especially after Chris botches the classic doppelganger gun scenario. Luckily, Herbert happens along and sees Chris and Peter locked in the basement, and promises to break them out. Solid "Thundercats" zinger from Peter.

Old guy fight!

Still going on.

Yep, still going.

Pills time. Longest Family Guy gag yet?

Still going.

Done. Wow. That was dramatic.

That pretty much covers it. The long gag was funny to an extent, but it seems like filler as much as anything. Here's hoping FG picks it up next episode and doesn't insert a 5-minute fight scene or musical number to kill time.