Episode 'Community' Season 2, Episode 23 - 'For a Few Paintballs More' Recap

Episode  'Community' Season 2, Episode 23 - 'For a Few Paintballs More' Recap The details of part one of the two-part "Community" finale weren't all that hush-hush: Dan Harmon told us that it would be a Sergio Leone-esque western. It turns out it was all a ruse, though: the real surprise is that the second part, the true finale, is the nerd homage to end all nerd homages: "Star Wars."

It turns out that the mastermind behind the evil plan was the dean of City College, who was out to make Greendale destroy itself. Looks like he might have already won. His ice cream costume might not approximate Darth Vader all that well, but those paintball henchmen sure look like stormtroopers, don't they?

So, after some scrolling opening credits ("Let's not draw this out...") we find the gang attempting to unite the students into some sort of rebellious, alliance-y sort of thing. The plan, ultimately, is to rig the fire sprinklers with paint to take out anyone inside the school while the B squad charges the gatling gun.

The plan doesn't go off without its hitches, but eventually they succeed thanks to some heroics...from Britta and Shirley, which is cool to see. For once it isn't Jeff who plays the hero in the end, although his exit was pretty hilarious ("Denny's is for winners").

Other great character moments include yet another appearance from Magnitude, who will never get old, and Abed's adoption of the Han Solo personality along with Annie's flustered reactions. Finally, they found a way for Abed and Annie to kiss. We...we were all waiting for that to happen, right? No? Well, it was "cool" anyway.

Ultimately, though, it's Pierce who wins the day with his trademark trickery. That leads to Pierce redeeming himself in everyone's eyes, but also to a strange cliffhanger ending. Pierce, who has apparently been going to Greendale for 12 years (holy crap!), did it for the school, not for the study group. And when the gang invites him back in, he refuses.

What does that mean? Surely Chevy Chase won't be leaving the show, will he? Will Pierce continue to be a villain next season, uninhibited by the need to be accepted by the group?

I don't know, but one thing is for sure: with the camera slowing backing out of the broken, ruined study room with six shocked faces looking on, this ending was definitely more "Empire Strikes Back" and less "Return of the Jedi."

Troy & Abed Tag: That poor, poor janitor.