Episode 'Community' Season 2, Episode 20 - 'Paradigms of Human Memory' Recap

Episode  'Community' Season 2, Episode 20 - 'Paradigms of Human Memory' Recap The fact that the gang starts this episode off making a diorama of them making a diorama should let you know that it's going to be the most meta episode ever.

To start things off, Troy spots the monkey grabbing another object and carrying it into the vent. If only they had a way to get in there OH MY GOD CHANG WHY IS HE NAKED?!

The recovered objects begin the clip show to end all clip shows. The brilliant thing here is that the memories being recounted are ones that we've never seen, or ones that happen from a different perspective. For example, what did the rest of the gang see while Abed was seeing claymation during Christmas?

The issue at hand is that the group is being torn apart, which is really just a commentary about how the group is always being torn apart. There are also references to fellow NBC show "The Cape" in order to add a little extra meta, and montages of the gang fighting in different situations and Jeff giving speeches in different situations. It's all so meta, it'll give you a nosebleed. Just like Troy's.

It all wraps up with Jeff and Britta deciding not to hook up anymore. After all, if they don't have to sneak around, what's the point? Oh, and Chang gets his own flashback with the monkey.

Wow. What a meta-fest. There's no doubting that Community is the most masterfully meta show on television. Maybe we just needed to be reminded. Like the Dean said: "I guess we don't see our patterns until they're laid out in front of us."

Troy & Abed Tag: It's actually a Dean tag, and it's animated!