Episode 'Community' Season 2, Episode 17 - 'Intro to Political Science' Recap

Episode  'Community' Season 2, Episode 17 - 'Intro to Political Science' Recap Pierce just got back from rehab, so it looks like things are back to normal. With no drama, it looks like the gang will actually have to STUDY. Awkward.

Nope, distraction! The Dean comes in to inform everyone that Joe Biden will be visiting the campus, which leads to a discussion about electing student body president…and surprise, Annie wants to run. A quick gag about making notches in the table, and we're off.

Viewer warning: you will not want to see the Dean's Uncle Sam outfit. Yikes.

Looks like this week's conflict will be between Annie and Jeff, the former wanting the latter to help out, the latter being his usual flippant self. Annie warrants a serious Jeff glare, though, when she questions his lawyer-ness. It's ON.

Abed, having noticed the Secret Service people staking out the campus, gets searched by two of them. Looks like he'll be having his own little thing this week. Do the feds really exist?

Uh oh. Jeff jumps up on stage and announces his nomination, hitting all the talking points: freedom good, 9/11 bad. Now it's REALLY on.

Apparently, Abed and Troy will be covering the election through the GCTV network. A quick rundown of the candidates reveals that:

  • Annie is in fact hot and has boobs.
  • Leonard's nickname is Kid Cincinnati.
  • Starburns is in the running, is apparently Cambodian, and his DJ name is Sparkles.
  • Jeff's kryptonite is women's tears (we probably already knew that).
  • Magnitude (pop pop!) is running, and his eye color is "ultra-violet."
  • Pierce is in, and followed BNL for a summer.
  • Garrett is allergic to like, everything.
  • Vicki has a yellow shirt. And a hat.

So the Secret Service agents are real, as Troy sees them. Troy gets sad about Abed's side adventures. Aww.

Bonus points at the debate for the re-appearance of the Greendale flag, noticeably re-colored to white instead of flesh. Jeff has the crowd in the palm of his hand, as expected ("they love it when you switch the words around") and Magnitude's catchphrase is clearly putting him ahead in the polls as well.

Pierce insults Vicki into leaving (Vicki, we barely knew ye), then leaves. The competition is slimming. After Annie makes up a nice campaign slogan, it looks like the race will be between Jeff and Annie. We're all so surprised.

Aha, the Abed side-plot will be a romance! Two impassive people feeling el passion.

Another one bites the dust as Starburns quits. I'm still pulling for Magnitude. Annie has a secret weapon, though: Jeff's "Real World" audition tape from the 90's. The hair is the best part.

Jeff storms off, and Annie follows. We get a touching scene between Jeff and Annie. Punctuated by the "political debate of the century." Social commentary, anyone?

The epic showdown between Leonard and Magnitude is over! The winner is…"South Park!" Wait. What? Eh, what did we expect? This is Greendale.

The episode wraps up on an "aww" note as Abed makes sure he sees his impassive lady-friend again. Which leads us to the...

Troy & Abed Tag (minus Troy): Abed watches "Kickpuncher" with his date, kinda. Aww again.