Episode 'Community' Season 2, Episode 16 - 'Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking' Recap

Episode  'Community' Season 2, Episode 16 - 'Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking' Recap Remember how Pierce was unconscious on a park bench at the end of last week's episode? Well, that was no joke.

This week's ep opens up in a hospital, where Pierce was taken after overdosing on pills. The writers (and Chevy) really took this storyline to the extreme: what you might not know is that Chevy Chase was actually addicted to painkillers back in the 1980's and had to go to rehab for it. Will this be a super-serious, "very special" episode? Probably not. Chevy has always had a sense of humor about the whole thing.

The other thing you'll notice is the different look of the episode. Notice that hand-held camera? That's the reason for the title "Intermediate Documentary FIlmmaking," as Abed is here to document the experience. There's our post-modern, self-aware twist on the episode for the week, as Abed talks to us about talking to us.

Pierce announces he is dying, but in reality he's just out to exact his revenge on the group. His sweet, psychological, twisted revenge. This is going to be good.

A nurse announced that Pierce would like to commence bequeathing (heh heh), and thus the game commences. First up is Shirley, to whom Pierce gives a CD recording of the group talking about Shirley behind her back. The gang looks a bit worried about it.

Next up is Britta, a.k.a. "Sourface". What horrible fate will Pierce bestow upon her? A blank check for $10,000 for Britta to write out to the charity of her choice. Britta is pleasantly surprised, but as the leaves, the evil pierce twist kicks in: she could, of course, just write the check out to herself.

"Firefly" reference from Troy! Bonus! Also awesome, "complisult" (a mix of a compliment and an insult) and "explanabrag" (a mix of...well, you probably get it).

Jeff barges in next, determined to expose Pierce's true intentions. The Jeff/Pierce power struggle commences, and Winger is of course in control...until Pierce tells Jeff that his estranged father is in a car on the way to the hospital. Could Pierce really be serious? This bequeathing just got kicked up a notch.

Back out in the waiting room, Shirley has already forgiven the group and decided not to listen to the CD. After a hilarious role-play bit, we get a Jeff "talking head" segment, interrupted by...LEVAR BURTON! It seems clear that Troy's bequeathing has already started. Troy is shocked into silence, except when he gets away to scream about never wanting to meet Levar Burton in person so he wouldn't "disappoint" him.

Next up is Annie, who is handed a tiara that has been in Pierce's family for generations. That's it. Mysterious. She comes back in (after a little more LeVar) to ask what it means. Pierce responds that Annie is "his favorite". Which only confuses her more.

The plan is working, as Britta hands the money over to Red Cross, but only after realizing that she was so close to writing it to herself. Britta grabs the CD from Shirley and plays it, only to find that nobody said anything bad about her behind her back anyway. The Pierce Plan is unraveling!

Jeff is still hooked, though, but announces to Pierce that if anyone other than his real dad steps out of the car, Jeff will "beat him". Pierce fumbles for the phone. The power hold is slipping!

So, who still needs vindication? Britta chats wil LeVar, and convinces him to stay and spend more time with Troy. So, vindication for Troy. Plus, LeVar tells Britta how generous she is, and that she's "stupid with her money". So having heard that from Kunta Kinte, she feels much better too.

Nobody left but Jeff and Annie. The former is waiting outside for his father, when a town car pulls up...but it turns out it's just Pierce. Pierce expresses his disappointment at not being included, while Jeff wails on him, the fury directed as his father now redirected at Pierce. Double vindication for Jeff, as he also realizes that he needs to find his father and talk to him.

That leaves just Annie, who thinks she has figured it out: the tiara is there to teach her not to be elitist and pick favorites, or she'll "die sad and alone". Pierce sadly mentions that "she's really just my favorite", in this week's "awwwww" moment. The second "awwwww" moment comes as Jeff is found sleeping by Pierce's bedside. Awwwwww.

A great episode, not only including every character and getting deeper into their personalities and flaws, but also using a new shooting style. Could it be a dig at other NBC sitcoms, like "The Office" and "Parks and Recreation", who use the documentary format? Possibly. Well, probably.

Troy & Abed tag: Troy, still paralyzed, has dinner in the study room with LeVar, who sings the "Reading Rainbow" theme, putting Troy into tears.