Episode 'Community' Season 2, Episode 15 - 'Early 21st Century Romanticism' Recap

Episode  'Community' Season 2, Episode 15 - 'Early 21st Century Romanticism' Recap It's going to be a multi-storyline episode of "Community", as the gang is clearly splitting for the episode: as Jeff says following a hilarious Barenaked Ladies (excuse me, "BNL") argument, "We. Are in. A fight!"

First up, Pierce is apparently still on his painkillers, and is revisited by the tiny man he sees when on them, played by Andy Dick. Thinly-veiled reference to Dick's own drug problems? Yep, probably. More on Pierce later.

Meanwhile, Britta has a new "lesbian" friend Paige, who is discovered later to be straight through a revelation between Annie and Paige's friend, who is unnamed (thus, Paige and her friend will henceforth be referred to as Bizarro Britta and Bizarro Annie). Britta thinks she's totally cool for hanging out with a lesbian, as does Bizarro Britta, who thinks that Britta is a lesbian as well. Trouble will clearly ensue.

John Oliver is making an appearance in this ep, providing a Jeff storyline in which the two watch a "football" (to Duncan) match which Chang invites himself and pretty much the rest of Greendale to Jeff's apartment. Not much going on in this storyline, though Chang is especially hilarious, and we get to witness the introduction of "Magnitude". Pop-pop!

Troy and Abed, meanwhile, are participating in their own ultra-adorable Valentine's Day storyline, both simultaneously (and very professionally) courting the hot librarian. Always good to see some quality Troy/Abed man-love going on, it's been noticeably absent since the Halloween episode. We miss banter like the tacos in the briefcase, don't we? The sitcomy deal is that both of them will take her to the Valentine's Day dance, where she will choose which one she wants to see again.

On to the dance, where Britta and Bizarro Britta show up with each other to show how cool they are for hanging out with a lesbian. Cue fan service (sexy dancing and awkward making out), whereupon the two discover that both are straight and totally fight. Ah, comeuppance. Britta and Annie almost kiss, and fanboys everywhere jump out of their seats and then are quickly disappointed.

Pierce appearance: Andy Dick taunts him into taking more drugs. This is close to turning into a "very special episode".

Troy and Abed present their cases to the HL (hot librarian), who chooses Troy. She calls Abed "weird", though, which sends Troy into a bro-love rage, and the Troy/Abed cuteness continues. HL leaves, sadly. She was, after all, "hot".

Jeff, whose story has been quiet until now, brings us home and lands the message of the episode: upon finding out that no one from the group texted or called him while he was dealing with the Chang invasion, he sends an "awww"-worthy text out to all of them, telling them that he loves them. Yes, even Jeff's sarcasm-encased heart can love on Valentine's Day. Dealing with a now-homeless Chang and a drunk Duncan probably made him realize how good he has it with the study group as well.

So, all ends well for the gang, with the exception of maybe Pierce who is passed out on pills on a park bench, as Jeff says "before it's too late". Yikes, was that a joke or a moral? Is Pierce dead? Is Pierce going to die soon? Whoa, what if Pierce dies?

Troy & Abed tag: Abed determines the messages written on those chalky Valentine's hearts by eating them.