Episode 'Celebrity Apprentice' Season 11, Episode 7 - 'Raising the Steaks' Recap

Episode  'Celebrity Apprentice' Season 11, Episode 7 - 'Raising the Steaks' Recap The contestants eagerly await the results from the board room, and while the women find Busey's survival amusing, the men are less than thrilled. Meat Loaf looks like he might explode, and Lil' Jon just looks disappointed with the world.

Gary thinks that the men don't want him around because they're afraid of him. Who wouldn't be, Gary?

John Rich isn't afraid of Busey, and accuses him of being a saboteur, which Busey denies. Rich might be on to something: the man is either crazy or manipulative in ways that us mortals can only begin to comprehend.

LaToya drops Michael's name while she covers his charity. We cringe. Even worse is when she does her little "presentation" in giving the charity director a series of checks from the show. Not only is it excessively theatrical and awkward, but we all know that she barely earned the win for last week.

This week's task comes from Omaha Steaks. After a short speech about the many wonderful qualities of the Omaha Steaks company, we finally learn what the contests must do this week: write, produce, and star in a cooking demonstration with Omaha Steaks products. The contestants must also create and name a variety pack of Omaha steaks products.

Um...so does this mean Gary Busey will be around knives and fire? Even worse, Meat Loaf will be around knives and fire and Gary Busey?

Trump says Busey is either a genius or a moron. Busey then gives us an impersonation of a cat. There's your answer.

Lil' Jon is a bit offended that nobody asked him if he can cook. Busey turns straight to Meat Loaf and assigns him the job of chef. Probably because of his name, if I were to guess.

Busey is seriously hijacking the meeting with the clients, but apparently that's all part of his "art." His art also apparently involves planning a weird theme with kites.

Meanwhile, Star Jones is hijacking the other meeting by acting as project leader when she's not project leader.

The guys decide to call customer service, which ends up with Busey asking questions of a poor, unassuming customer service rep. Meat Loaf looks like his brain literally hurts from all this. You have to feel for the guy. He and Lil' Jon try to sneak off and see the kitchen in order to escape, but Rich catches them at the game.

"It's just...he drifts," says Meat Loaf of Busey's flight of fancy about flavored steaks. He finally offers "The Ultimate Celebration Pack" as a name, which Busey agrees to. Thank god he does, because I don't think Meat Loaf can take much more of this.

LaToya is completely incapable of cooking a burger. No one is surprised.

Star continues to take over the women's project, and Busey continues to meander on the men's. Things are not looking good for the guys. It gets even worse when, off-camera, Busey calls Rich "boy," which seems to really make him angry. How could this possibly end without some kind of catastrophe?

Oh no! The secret's out...LaToya is trying to set Nene on fire!

Lil' Jon is good at arts n' crafts!

The men are in serious trouble, as the menu is wrong (we could have seen that coming with the overtly obvious shot of Busey approving the menus). Rich confronts Busey about the "boy" thing, and though Busey apologizes it doesn't get resolved.

The ladies' presentation goes over well, except that LaToya might have been too quiet, and the girls say "Omaha" instead of "Omaha Steaks." More importantly, did anyone see that guy in the audience with the ridiculous mustache?

The presentation from the men is a sight to see, with Gary's presentation skirting tStar Joneshe line between brilliance and insanity. There are hiccups to be sure, with Gary making mentions of clean digestion (not exactly the best topic for a cooking show). The kite also makes an appearance in Gary's monologue, which absolutely baffles everyone. Yet his odd approach seems to connect to the audience, or at least entertain them.

Meat Loaf deserves some major props for his cooking, which goes smoothly and looks professional. In fact, the Omaha Steaks guys mention him specifically. They also tell Trump that they enjoyed Busey's narratives (though they dragged a bit), and that the women didn't do as much live cooking, which docked them some points.

The board room goes pretty rough for Busey, who is attacked (albeit somewhat reluctantly) by his teammates. The kite story is recounted again (almost word-for-word) by Gary, and met with incredulous looks by Trump and the others.

Nene almost throws Hope under the bus, but everyone seems to support her, and Hope speaks highly of her teammates. As Trump says, the women seem strong and unified while the men are falling into disarray. As a result, the women win the week.

So the question is, who will be fired? Will Busey take the blame for the project's failure? Will this be the last week that we get to see Busey's brain in action?

Yep. Busey is the one to go, and it's not much of a surprise. Lil' Jon would have been the only other option as he didn't contribute much, but it all comes down to Gary.

We get one last Busey-ism before he goes, though: he claims that he called John Rich "kaboy" instead of "boy."

On that note, kaboys, see you next week!