Episode 'Celebrity Apprentice' Season 11, Episode 7 - 'Bitter Suites' Recap

Episode  'Celebrity Apprentice' Season 11, Episode 7 - 'Bitter Suites' Recap Everyone recounts their Busey horror stories to celebrate the departure of the most entertaining person on the show. Nene, meanwhile, pouts in a corner. WHY is nobody paying ATTENTION to her?

Hope gets to celebrate her team's win by giving a check to her charity, "Best Buddies." These little scenes are always nice to see, but do they need to recount exactly how they won the money? Yes, because it recaps last week's episode for us.

After an awkward exchange involving every contestant lying through their teeth about voting for Trump for president, the challenge is revealed. The contestants must create an ad campaign for the Trump Hotel Collection, and the project managers are John Rich and Star Jones. So, yay, Star gets to boss everyone around and not be hated for it.

Well, maybe she'll be hated a little bit.

Ivanka and Jim note that they want something new and original from the campaigns, but they want something that shows the high luxury lifestyle. Luckily, Star says she knows as much about luxury as she does about living. I don't know what that says about how much she knows about living. Can she breathe and eat okay?

Anyway, Star's idea is pretty bland and hackneyed, and LaToya knows it. But she's worried Star will pass the buck when the idea fails. And she's...probably right.

It looks like Meat Loaf is the new Gary Busey, as he's having some trouble explaining his vision of...a mirror and the future or something. But the guys come up with "Live the Life" as their campaign, which isn't incredibly original but at least works for the luxury side.

The girls are turning on each other, particularly Nene and LaToya. Is this the beginning of the downfall of the women? Also, which ridiculously-named woman will come out on top?

LaToya says that her feelings get hurt because she's "human." Questionable.

It looks like the two have called a truce for now. We'll see if it lasts. On to the manicures and makeup, as the girls get ready to model for their lunch.

Rich and Lil' Jon are a focused team. I think they need to release a song together. They could be called "Rich & Lil'" or something. Let's make this happen, people.

Meanwhile, Meat Loaf is directing his model (didn't they specifically say not to have a butler with a champagne bottle?) and he's pretty serious about it. They're trying as hard as they can to make Meat Loaf the new silly guy in replacement of Busey, aren't they?

Star is already trying to pass the blame as Nene and LaToya's arrival has delayed the shoot...after being sent on an errand, by Star, without nearly enough time to get back. Sparks start flying as Star and Nene go after each other about scheduling. Nene is starting to sound like a dying ocelot.

Rich and Lil' Jon are unhappy with the butler pictures. So much so, in fact, that they cut out his face. At least Meat Loaf accepts the blame gracefully. What a refreshing change of pace for this show! Personally, I'd be more worried about the font on the "Live the Life" next to the tower...it looks like an ad for a monster truck rally.

After last week's debacle with the misspelled menus, the men are going through their copy word by word and find glaring errors ("guset" for example). When they get into the room, their ads look remarkably different...my guess is their poor, overworked graphic designer did a lot of work on them. Like, a lot.

In any case, the pitch from the men goes pretty well, with all of them giving a convincing presentation.

The women are a bit clunkier, with their long list of words going on forever and sounding like a bad elementary school play. As for the ads themselves, they're compared to "those cards that get put on your windshield."

For the men, the ads lack any kind of contact information and are a bit too wordy. Also, the judges note that they have the tired image of the butler. What did I say? Totally called it.

All in all, the whole deal is called "a train wreck" rather than an ad campaign.

The women are grilled first, and Nene is picked out to try to actually say something positive about her team for once. She says Marlee is the strongest team member, and says nice things about LaToya. But then she says that the other team members "crawled up Star's ass," an image that is then lingered on for a good extra minute. I think Nene is just confusing being a considerate, polite person for kissing ass.

Lil' Jon says it was tough for the men since they only have three people. Also, spelling is hard.

The ads are looked over by the teams, and Eric notes that the women only focused on one hotel, rather than the whole collection. Eric also uses the word "myopic." I think he forgot whom he's talking to for a second there.

The women's team is the losing one, but the men didn't exactly pass with flying colors. Regardless, they're safe and Rich just won a bunch of money for St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital.

Finger-pointing time! The best part of the show, where everyone tries to pass as much blame as possible and Trump asks uncomfortable questions. LaToya is the first to say that Star should be the one to go. Marlee, meanwhile, says that LaToya is the weakest overall and should go.

The three that end up on the chopping block (oops, wrong show) are Star, LaToya, and Nene. Not too surprising. LaToya is seriously playing up this "laryngitis" thing...but if it's a manipulation thing, it doesn't work. LaToya Jackson is fired.

So, the women are down to four. Can the men make a comeback?